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March 28, 2008

Six Flags Forming First-Ever Theme Park Cheerleading Team

Blog entry by:
Eric Gieszl, Editor

Six Flags Theme Parks Thrillleaders LogoNew York -- Cheerleaders for a theme park? Oddly Six Flags announced that they're planning to launch the first-ever professional, theme park cheerleading team - Six Flags Thrillleaders. While many park goers go to great lengths to avoid "cheerleading days", Six Flags is going to make sure you can't miss 'em this year.

Considering the fact that Six Flags is owned by NFL Redskins owner Dan Snyder, you can pretty much figure out where the idea came from. If pro football teams have cheerleaders, then why not have them for theme parks?

In a statement from Six Flags, the company says their new "Six Flags Thrillleaders" will promote the company's unique brand of thrilling entertainment and become an integral part of Six Flags' ever-expanding entertainment offerings.

To kick-off the effort Six Flags has hired professional choreographer Tony Gonzalez from the Bring It On movie series. So you already know what to expect - plenty of spirit fingers.

According to Six Flags, Gonzalez will teach the new Thrilleaders explosive, high-energy routines. Unfortunately, that probably means there will be a cheer for a roller coaster - give me a B, give me an A, give me a T, give me a M, give me a A, give me a N, what does that spell - Batman.

And yes, that will probably be enough to make some roller coaster fans consider suicide.

In addition to performing at parks, Six Flags plans to have their Thrilleaders participate in various community, charitable and corporate events. Can you imagine the cheers at the next annual stockholder meeting when Six Flags continues to discuss their losses?

To fill the team Six Flags is having an open-call audition on Saturday, April 19 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at the Doubletree Times Square in New York City.

According to Six Flags candidates must be 18 years of age or older by the date of the audition, so for the few who were at least hoping for a raunchy high school show. Sorry, it ain't gonna happen.

For more information, see

Artwork courtesy of Six Flags, Inc. All rights reserved.

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