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February 11, 2008

Silverwood To Erect Giant Inverted Boomerang Roller Coaster

Athol, ID -- Silverwood Theme Park announced it will thrill park guests this summer with the addition of a nearly 200-foot tall inverted, looping steel roller coaster. This unnamed new coaster will be the largest, tallest and most expensive attraction ever built at the park.

Recently purchased from Six Flags Great America, this new roller coaster known as a "Giant Inverted Boomerang" stands 191-feet tall, almost twice the height of the park's next highest roller coaster, Tremors.

Riders will board a 32-passenger train with eight cars, each seating four abreast. After being secured by an over-the-shoulder restraint the ride begins with the train being hoisted backwards up a 90-degree vertical lift before being dropped down 177-feet.

End-to-end this roller coaster spans 1,204 feet and features three twisted inversions - cobra roll and vertical loop. After speeding through the three inversions at speeds of up to 65 mph the train is then hoisted up another vertical lift at the opposite end. Reaching the peak, the train is then dropped backwards to complete the same course, but this time while traveling in reverse.

According to Silverwood, riders will experience up to 4.5 positive G's during the minute and half ride.

To move the roller coaster from Gurnee, Illinois the pieces of the coaster will fill over 50 truckloads as it is shipped. Silverwood hopes to have the new roller coaster ready for operation by July.

To name the roller coaster the park has decided to hold content and is now seeking name suggestions online. The winner will not only receive bragging rights, but be invited to ride the roller coaster first and receive a 2008 Gold Pass for Silverwood.

For more details about the contest, plus photos and videos of the new roller coaster check out the park's web site

For more information, see Silverwood

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