December 21, 2005
Shakopee, MN -- With the temperature near zero degrees Fahrenheit and the wind chill even colder, Santa Claus took flight on Xtreme Swing - the first operational ride of its kind in the world at Valleyfair on Monday, December 19, 2005.
Xtreme Swing is an air-launched super swing set designed by S & S Worldwide Inc., based in Logan, Utah. Xtreme Swing is the company's first 40-passenger swing ride. Ride motion is that of a pendulum, suspended from an axle, swinging in an arc, back and forth, just like a child's playground swing; except this ride takes you higher, up to 125 feet in the air and faster, up to 60 miles per hour.
Pictures of Santa Claus' flight can be viewed in the construction gallery on
Related: See Valleyfair
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