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September 13, 2001

Holiday World Gives Away Free Tickets to Blood Donors

Santa Claus, IN -- In an effort to support the American Red Cross in its emergency blood drive, Holiday World is donating an admission ticket to each blood donor.

"Our staff wanted to do something to help, given yesterday's horrendous events," says Will Koch, Holiday World's president. "We keep hearing on the news that blood is desperately needed in New York and Washington, and feel the best way for us to help is to offer an extra incentive for people to donate blood to the Evansville blood drive."

Each person who donates blood will receive an admission ticket to
Holiday World. Those who donated blood on Wednesday will be able to pick up their free ticket at the Red Cross Office beginning Thursday morning. Those giving blood after Wednesday will be handed their ticket when they make their donation.

The American Red Cross is hosting their Community Blood Drive today through Friday, September 14 from 7 am to 7 pm and Saturday, September 15 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm at the stadium.

Holiday World will be open to the public on September 22, 29, 30 and October 6 and 7. For more information visit the parks' website at