October 5, 1999
Asbury Park, NJ -- Save Tillie, a non-profit volunteer group is fighting back against the local government in an attempt to save and restore Palace Amusements in Asbury Park.
"The next eight weeks are critical," says Bob Crane, president and co-founder of Save Tillie. "This fall the City of Asbury Park will update it's waterfront development plan and if the Palace is designated for demolition, all will be lost."
The group is hoping to use public opinion to block the local government from demolishing the classic building, which is currently is in a state of disrepair.
"This is a fight in which public opinion is our strongest tool," says Crane. "We are conducting the letter campaign with people from around the world to encourage the mayor to stop the demolition."
According to Crane the group has found a New Jersey developer who is willing to spend between $3 and $5 million to repair the Palace building. The problem is the owner of the property is currently tied up in a 15-year-old bankruptcy case and favors demolishing the building.
In order to save the Palace the group has to manage to get the building into the developers hands.
In addition to saving the building volunteers hope to restore the classic carousel house which dates back to 1887. They also wish to restore the Ferris wheel, which once rose through the Palace roof for a fantastic view of the Atlantic Ocean.
According to Crane the potential developer has shown a great deal of interest in the project by recently salvaging the parks classic Ferris wheel and carousel from a scrap sale. Other rides on the list to restore include the classic Tunnel of Love, and a Tilt-A-Whirl.
The Save Tillie group feels strongly about their cause and believes that the restoration of this classic amusement building could bring about an economic revival for the city.
If you would like to help Palace Amusements, please visit the Save Tillie web site at http://homestead.com/savetillie. Letters of support are needed and sample letters can be found on the web site.
Send a letter to the Asbury Park Mayor and help save the Palace Amusements building and attractions.
Mail your letter of support to:
The Honorable Kenneth Saunders
City of Asbury Park
One Municipal Plaza,
Asbury Park. NJ 07712-7706