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April 24, 2001

Project Mother's Day for Stark Raven Mad Participants

Santa Claus, IN -- Those familiar with Holiday World in Santa Claus, Indiana know that Pat Koch is the "matriarch" of the park. As the daughter-in-law of the founder of Holiday World, anyone who meets her knows what a wonderful woman she is and what a presence she has at the park.

For who have not been fortunate enough to visit Holiday World, Pat Koch takes tremendous pride in her park and truly embodies the spirit of the park. She can easily be found roaming the park, working hard and meeting with park guests. She is well respected and never asks of another, anything that she would not do herself.

Pat Koch has also become a legend in the coaster enthusiast world. During the park's annual Stark Raven Mad (SRM) coaster event she can be found on the platform of The Legend and Raven roller coasters, with her bright smile, giving high-fives to riders as each train departs.

So what is "Project Mother's Day?"

This year's Stark Raven Mad event is being held on May 11 and 12, Mother's Day weekend. So Brian Peters, membership director for the American Coaster Enthusiasts came up with an idea to surprise Pat Koch by inviting participants to bring a Mother's Day card for Pat Koch. "With several hundred participating in this year's SRM event Mrs. Koch could easily receive a hundred or more cards and what a wonderful gesture it would be," according to Peters.

All Stark Raven Mad attendees are encouraged to show your support and participate in "Project Mother's Day." Simply bring a Mother's Day card with you for Mrs. Koch. Even if it is your first visit, by the end of the night you will most certainly have fallen in love with her, like so many others have.

Participants will have the opportunity to personally deliver their card to Mrs. Koch just prior to the start of the event between 5:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Paula Werne, public relations director for Holiday World has promised to make sure that Pat Koch does not find out about this surprise and is present at the theatre where Stark Raven Mad participants will wait while the park is cleared of the general public.