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- Stealth is AWESOME!! (More on PGA...)
by DxHbk on 4/1/00 at 5:31:53 PM - 1694
- 2
- from Cali Coaster on 4/3/00 at 12:36:49 AM
by MIKE on 4/2/00 at 4:34:48 PM - 2276
- 5
- from Michael on 4/2/00 at 11:53:27 PM
- What is your favorite water ride?
by swOHman on 4/1/00 at 12:24:28 PM - 1662
- 5
- from Alpengeist on 4/2/00 at 11:27:40 PM
- My IOA Trip Report!!
by Tay on 4/2/00 at 10:36:05 PM - 1529
- 1
- from nep4444 on 4/2/00 at 11:03:05 PM
- New modfication for Condors from Huss
by sparky on 4/2/00 at 5:00:55 PM - 1636
- 1
- from Ken on 4/2/00 at 9:50:54 PM
- The Boss's construction
by Raze Fan on 4/1/00 at 6:07:21 PM - 1733
- 4
- from Steve on 4/2/00 at 9:06:11 PM
- Cincy Post SOB Article that some of you requested by SOBbecki on 4/2/00 at 8:24:56 PM
- 1609
- 0
- No Replies
- Small Handle Change.
by Dan on 4/2/00 at 8:15:37 PM - 1487
- 0
- No Replies
- Re: First drop of MF vs first drop of S:ROS
by Mike on 4/2/00 at 7:54:52 PM - 1454
- 0
- No Replies
- Anything a DinsneyWorld Orlando
by Mike on 4/2/00 at 7:32:06 PM - 1573
- 0
- No Replies
- SFDL's Predator is back up and running!!!!!!!
by BrianG on 4/1/00 at 3:04:11 PM - 1531
- 1
- from dan on 4/2/00 at 6:13:52 PM
- Educated Guess for future of CP
by Cedar Pointer on 4/2/00 at 4:35:09 PM - 1558
- 0
- No Replies
- pki question?
by coaster fan on 4/2/00 at 2:39:31 PM - 1828
- 1
- from Shaggy on 4/2/00 at 4:20:53 PM
- Top secret 2001 theme park rides-you read it first by Wendigo on 4/1/00 at 4:36:36 PM
- 1728
- 3
- from Absimilliard on 4/2/00 at 1:24:27 PM
- Roller Coaster Models
by J-man on 3/31/00 at 7:30:30 PM - 3262
- 3
- from geedub on 4/2/00 at 1:21:08 PM
- BRIAN G. - About SFDL 2000....
by Alan Jacyszyn on 4/1/00 at 6:55:28 PM - 1651
- 2
- from DAN on 4/2/00 at 1:11:55 PM
- SF-GAm ?
by Mr. Daley on 4/1/00 at 8:05:54 PM - 1566
- 1
- from Coasterdude2 on 4/2/00 at 9:47:23 AM
- Train sighted on SOB track......
by Iceman on 4/1/00 at 7:29:17 PM - 1505
- 1
- from Shaggy on 4/2/00 at 8:50:11 AM
- Quick SOB question
by Alpengeist on 4/1/00 at 9:33:01 PM - 2176
- 3
- from Shaggy on 4/2/00 at 8:42:38 AM
- SFKK update
by Need 4 Speed on 4/2/00 at 1:28:27 AM - 2129
- 1
- from Shaggy on 4/2/00 at 8:30:59 AM
- SFA to add Floorless, and Stand up in 2001
by Sam A. Marks on 4/1/00 at 9:47:31 AM - 1685
- 6
- from CU@BGW on 4/2/00 at 8:15:55 AM
- **HELP** Going to Six Flags over Georgia!!!
by Scott on 4/1/00 at 11:38:50 AM - 7733
- 4
- from Rainman979 on 4/2/00 at 1:32:35 AM
- KBF news/Exclusive Photo!
by Knottsfreak on 3/31/00 at 10:38:01 PM - 1522
- 2
- from Robert on 4/1/00 at 11:49:04 PM
- Re: ? over the lack of 90 degree drops on rides
by Rattling on 4/1/00 at 11:45:07 PM - 1963
- 0
- No Replies
- Jazzland Ticket Prices
by Drumsec99 on 4/1/00 at 3:06:07 PM - 1496
- 2
- from tiger on 4/1/00 at 11:10:29 PM
- What Ohio Park should I go to?
by PACOASTer on 4/1/00 at 9:22:01 PM - 1340
- 4
- from Pantera Psycho on 4/1/00 at 11:02:40 PM
- SFDL has completed work on Top Spin!
by BrianG on 4/1/00 at 3:00:44 PM - 1359
- 2
- from joe(PCW) on 4/1/00 at 10:56:43 PM
- SFA report
by Ride Ridder on 4/1/00 at 7:13:18 PM - 1349
- 2
- from / Blast Coaster on 4/1/00 at 10:13:47 PM
- What new rides did PKD get in 2000?
by BrianG on 4/1/00 at 6:34:22 PM - 1232
- 1
- from Alpengeist on 4/1/00 at 9:02:52 PM
- Re: Darn Physics Keeps Rollercoasters Technology B by PINK FLOYD FANATIC on 4/1/00 at 8:55:29 PM
- 1815
- 0
- No Replies
- Re: List your top 5 favorite queue lines
by navarre on 4/1/00 at 8:43:44 PM - 1239
- 0
- No Replies
- Re: Appologize for yourself!!
by The Coaster Phreak on 3/31/00 at 8:59:04 PM - 2103
- 4
- from xander on 4/1/00 at 8:05:21 PM
- Bell's Amusement Park questions
by roller_ryder on 3/31/00 at 5:56:52 PM - 1235
- 1
- from zingo on 4/1/00 at 7:32:18 PM
- Train sited on SOB track......
by Iceman on 4/1/00 at 7:28:55 PM - 1270
- 0
- No Replies
- Random Updates...
by Masher on 4/1/00 at 5:07:40 PM - 1306
- 1
- from Coaster Booster on 4/1/00 at 6:56:59 PM