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- PKD "newsflash" that nobody posted....
by ted on 4/3/00 at 11:14:37 AM - 1459
- 1
- from Pearl Jam on 4/4/00 at 11:36:51 PM
- HELP!!! HELP!!!HELP!!!
by RollercoasterGonzalez on 4/4/00 at 10:12:35 PM - 1371
- 1
- from Dustijn Hollon on 4/4/00 at 11:23:41 PM
- ? for Danny B.
by Superman Krypton Ryan on 4/4/00 at 10:44:29 PM - 1340
- 0
- No Replies
- SF parks that got BIG stuff will get more in 2001 by Superman Krypton Ryan on 4/2/00 at 9:53:42 PM
- 1529
- 4
- from Pantera Psycho on 4/4/00 at 9:56:24 PM
- CP Question
by Carl on 4/4/00 at 3:47:32 PM - 1375
- 2
- from Jman on 4/4/00 at 9:08:19 PM
- Coney Pix: Cyclone Re-Tracking
by Flare on 4/4/00 at 9:20:55 AM - 2296
- 4
- from chillforce on 4/4/00 at 8:44:26 PM
- Stealth comercials!!!
by mike on 4/3/00 at 10:06:03 PM - 1488
- 1
- from Brian Grapes on 4/4/00 at 8:33:14 PM
- thanks
by Eric P. on 4/4/00 at 7:55:52 PM - 1343
- 0
- No Replies
- ANGLES of DESCENTrevisited (re: Wildebeast @ PCW) by ROXY ROLLER on 4/4/00 at 7:55:16 PM
- 1408
- 0
- No Replies
- The Texas Giant rocks!
by Raging Bull Fan on 4/4/00 at 7:28:54 PM - 1482
- 0
- No Replies
by woodies_rock on 4/4/00 at 7:28:22 PM - 1461
- 0
- No Replies
- Evolution at SFGAdv
by TwinsGP on 4/2/00 at 4:37:28 PM - 1547
- 7
- from european cl on 4/4/00 at 7:22:43 PM
- SixFlags Great Escape
by Raging Bull Fan on 4/3/00 at 1:21:48 PM - 2446
- 7
- from Absimilliard on 4/4/00 at 7:10:56 PM
- How is Bigger in Cincinnati?
by Kevin Reid on 4/4/00 at 12:14:03 PM - 1541
- 7
- from swOHman on 4/4/00 at 6:57:52 PM
- AP anc coaster commercials 2000.
by Raptor Timmy on 4/4/00 at 6:49:15 PM - 1424
- 0
- No Replies
- INTERESTING Premier and Six Flags Info!
by KMAN on 4/4/00 at 4:40:17 PM - 1635
- 1
- from Jeff King on 4/4/00 at 6:24:06 PM
- CP vs. PKI: Before embarrasing yourself, do this! by CoastaPlaya on 4/4/00 at 6:17:18 PM
- 1542
- 1
- from KMAN on 4/4/00 at 6:23:43 PM
- Huge Expansion for SFDL in 2001!
by BrianG on 4/4/00 at 4:52:45 PM - 1477
- 1
- from KMAN on 4/4/00 at 6:20:11 PM
- Question for KEVIN J. REID.....
by ROXY ROLLER on 4/3/00 at 7:30:31 PM - 1506
- 3
- from CoastaPlaya on 4/4/00 at 5:45:35 PM
- Re:Roller Coaster Trip
by Stephen pkiguy2k on 4/4/00 at 5:39:24 PM - 1408
- 0
- No Replies
- Goliath Update
by Soundbox on 4/4/00 at 4:37:50 PM - 1255
- 0
- No Replies
- New pics of BKF interlocked corkscrews
by Michael on 4/1/00 at 9:15:10 PM - 1979
- 8
- from KMAN on 4/4/00 at 4:37:32 PM
- PKD...Opens...Sorta
by Coastin Steve on 4/3/00 at 2:23:54 PM - 1461
- 2
- from Janis on 4/4/00 at 4:30:35 PM
- 3d Model of Medusa Page Update
by ForKLifT on 4/4/00 at 2:19:04 PM - 1670
- 1
- from ForKLifT on 4/4/00 at 4:15:58 PM
- a ? about stand ups.
by Jono on 4/3/00 at 10:21:47 PM - 1802
- 9
- from Jim Disney on 4/4/00 at 4:09:11 PM
by Eric P. on 4/3/00 at 7:56:28 PM - 2801
- 7
- from Janis on 4/4/00 at 3:56:12 PM
- New for 2000 Whalom, Camden, Wlms Grv , Arnold's
by sparky on 4/4/00 at 1:37:24 PM - 1502
- 1
- from Masher on 4/4/00 at 3:45:20 PM
- kennywood feels the heat
by pitfall dude on 4/2/00 at 10:43:03 PM - 1782
- 5
- from SoulTrain on 4/4/00 at 1:23:21 PM
- Will SFO be able to compete with CP
by James B. on 4/1/00 at 1:45:50 PM - 1794
- 11
- from GR8 Ump on 4/4/00 at 12:47:58 PM
- Stealth opinions...
by Johnny Mnemonic on 4/2/00 at 3:05:55 PM - 1621
- 4
- from ROXY ROLLER on 4/4/00 at 12:43:52 PM
- PKI Notice about SOB passholder preview day
by RobLec on 4/4/00 at 11:40:12 AM - 1335
- 0
- No Replies
- surprised!!!
by hockeynut on 4/4/00 at 10:59:01 AM - 1444
- 0
- No Replies
- SFMM and KBF update
by Jim Disney on 4/3/00 at 11:35:45 PM - 1490
- 1
- from Jim Disney on 4/4/00 at 10:37:07 AM
- Coney Update: Cyclone Retracking
by sparky on 4/3/00 at 1:33:41 PM - 1594
- 6
- from JerzeyFreeze on 4/4/00 at 9:34:21 AM
- Speculation
by mr acer on 4/2/00 at 8:05:45 AM - 1418
- 3
- from Shaggy on 4/4/00 at 9:28:15 AM