Hades 360 trip report 5/30/22
Absolutely mind blowing.
Top 10 worthy (for various reasons).
Doesn't get the praise it deserves.
I've been wanting to ride this coaster since it originally opened and this was my first time to Mt Olympus, so I was REALLY excited to ride it. It FAR exceeded my expectations.
I had a total of four rides. First two rides in the back row. Third rid in row six and fourth ride in row three. The consistent speed of the coaster makes an incredible ride in any seat. Typically the back row is my favorite seat but on this coaster, it didn't matter which seat.
This coaster has been reviewed many times so I don't need to break down every little detail.
The most outstanding feature for me was the 800 feet trip through a pitch black tunnel TWICE! There really isn't an accurate way to describe it, it just has to be experienced.
The pace of this coaster is in a class by itself because it feels like it's going a steady 70 mph all the way to the brakes. Add in the fact that there is no mid course brake and no trims anywhere on the course and it's a recipe for coaster bliss.
I have no idea when I will return to Mt Olympus, but I certianly will at some point as long as Hades 360 is running.
Quick mention that Zeus also exceeded my expectations and Cyclopse was noteworthy as well. The trifecta of Hades 360, Zeus and Cyclopse will be tough to beat for three wood/hybrid coasters in one park. Until I made it to Mt. Olympus I would have given the trifecta title to Holiday World. Now it's a photo finish tie for me.
Hades 360 was so impressive to me it has earned the rank of my #2 all time favorite coaster, just barely behind the Voyage as my #1.
I would love to hear from anyone else who has ridden Hades 360.

I have no ridden Hades 360, but I did ride Hades and the other coasters in 2011 or 2012.
Hades back then - crushed my expectations! I was blown away by it then - so I'm eager to get on it again in the future. It's a shame it's in such a weird place in the country - but the more they do up there - the more I want to go back.
Also Cyclops was an INSANE drop when sitting in the back row. When I went there was a sign for the back row, maybe back two rows, that you had to be 18 or older to ride. If you're a child, even who meets the height requirement, you will simply be thrown out of the train if sitting in the back.
Happy to see the Hades love, it sits firmly in my top 10 wooden coasters.
157 Coasters -- Favorite Coaster -- Nitro (SFGAdv)
117 Steel -- 40 Wood -- Home Park: SFGADv