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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coasters, Parks & Attractions > URC coaster event, URC 3????

URC coaster event, URC 3????

Posted: 5/26/18 at 5:12:28 PM
Views: 1516

So I am writing the same request to Eric the site host for the 17th straight year, will there be a URC 3 event this summer?


Re: URC coaster event, URC 3???? by Eric_Gieszl Eric_Gieszl Profile at 6/1/18 8:11:52 AM
Unofficially there is one right now. Sparky and I were at Kings Island yesterday. Hard to image that 20 years ago there was URC event #1 at Knoebels.


Re: URC coaster event, URC 3???? by comet3506 at 6/12/18 12:34:45 PM
Woohoo my password works and I still remember what it is!! Been a while guys, would be cool to get a meet up again. This year may be a bit tough for me, but I could possibly keep next year open. I'm starting to get back into going to parks now that my oldest daughter is old enough to enjoy some of the rides.
