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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coasters, Parks & Attractions > What are your worst wood and steel coasters?

What are your worst wood and steel coasters?

Posted: 5/22/18 at 2:43:41 PM
Views: 1181

What are your top 5 worst wood coasters you ever been on?
What are your top 5 worst steel coasters you been on?
I want in order. I mean worst like headbanging,
Rough, shaky and painful

Re: What are your worst wood and steel coasters? by theRock-steel theRock-steel Profile at 5/25/18 11:03:02 PM
I am going to leave out the kiddie/family and wild mice coasters.

Top 5 Worst Wood:
5. Boardwalk Bullet
4. Hurler(s)
3. Mean Streak
2. Rattler
1. Texas Giant

Top 5 Worst Steel:
5. Soarin' Eagle / Super Flight / Time Warp
4. Great American Scream Machine
3. Laser
2. La Vibora
1. Flying Super Saturator / Roller Soaker