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I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak

Posted: 4/17/18 at 11:52:54 PM
Views: 3335

Riding coasters all my life. Mailing parks asking for a brochure (no internet, heck vhs tapes back then), Always searching out new parks, and planning trips to my favorite parks...

Hmmph.. May 2nd, I have a chance, weather permitting to ride Steel Vengeance one time. Yep, one time. Platinum pass day, free food, free everything. Maybe Ride Maverick and a couple other rides, limited back section of park open only.

Why am I so excited about this, its just a coaster right? I might not even get to ride who knows. Its just weird that after all the parks I have traveled to over the years, my first RMC will be at the park I have been going to all my life.


Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by frontrow frontrow Profile at 4/20/18 9:03:32 PM
Steel Vengeance will be my 7th coaster by RMC. I'm a huge fan of the 6 that I have ridden, and I expect Steel Vengeance to be one of the best, of not the best. The one flaw that RMC coasters have is the shorter ride time. Steel Vengeance should have a much longer ride time.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by mugen828 mugen828 Profile at 4/25/18 9:58:54 PM

I've ridden a couple now. You will be delighted and let's hope you get more than 1 ride!

Have fun!

- mugen828
157 Coasters -- Favorite Coaster -- Nitro (SFGAdv)
117 Steel -- 40 Wood -- Home Park: SFGADv
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 4/26/18 7:55:22 PM
The way they are working the Pass Night, I guess when I get there they give us a ticket for one ride on Steel Vengeance.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by theRock-steel theRock-steel Profile at 5/1/18 9:56:28 PM
In order of how much I like them, I have ridden these RMC's:
New Texas Giant
Iron Rattler
Outlaw Run
Storm Chaser

NTG and IR were the first two and Goliath was just late last year. I have plans to ride Twisted Cyclone along with Steel Vengeance in June, and Twisted Colossus in July. I won't be near Twisted Timbers and Lightning Rod until late next season.

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/2/18 9:51:33 PM
I got to ride it!! I don't think many other people did though, lots of problems with the trains keeping the coaster down, some sort of electronic seat belt check fail I think..

More later...

* This post was modified at 5/2/18 10:49:34 PM *

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/5/18 8:12:20 PM
Wow, heard SV trains bumped in the station today?? Not a great start for this coaster, Mean Streak ghost? Also heard lots of rides broken down today.

Anybody planning a CP trip just for SV might want to plan on later in the year - just my 2 cents...

* This post was modified at 5/5/18 8:16:35 PM *

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by theRock-steel theRock-steel Profile at 5/8/18 5:15:03 AM
I understanding your concerns about it, however the "small accident" didn't keep it closed very long. It re-opened later that same day. Much like most of their other taller rides, SV had closed due to high winds. There were more than one videos showing that Maverick was just about the only major ride open on Ohio State Day.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/8/18 12:01:27 PM
theRock-steel said:

I understanding your concerns about it, however the "small accident" didn't keep it closed very long. It re-opened later that same day. Much like most of their other taller rides, SV had closed due to high winds. There were more than one videos showing that Maverick was just about the only major ride open on Ohio State Day.

Oh it's been closed a lot more than open, lol. Not many people have got to ride it. CP has given out hundreds of 1 time SV FP as compensation. I heard they gave out all they had on opening day.

Cedar Point and Tony Clark are getting crushed on Twitter about SV and opening weekend. I guess they closed all the kids rides at 3pm Saturday when the park was open until 10pm. They could have told people that in advance, that sucks. Some people get there mid day.

Like I said I got to ride SV, and it was intense! But I think I'll let the park get stuff figured out before I head back.

* This post was modified at 5/8/18 2:44:06 PM *

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/10/18 8:13:02 PM
One train operation until further notice, and you have to get a boarding pass at the entrance with a time to get in line. They also took it off Fast Lane.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by theRock-steel theRock-steel Profile at 5/11/18 12:45:13 AM
I am less interested in getting involved in this everyday. Even from a pure ride perspective I'm not sure. I have almost no use for ejector airtime. I have heard this compared to El Toro and Skyrush, two rides that many experts love, but I do not. (Being thrown into bad restraints to the point it hurts is no fun for me.) Let's be positive. Could SV be compared in any way to Goliath, Iron Rattler, New Texas Giant, or even Phoenix / Voyage ? I love those rides.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/11/18 6:07:09 AM
I thought the restraints were ok. I'm kinda big at 230 pounds, and I felt pretty comfortable.

I only have had 1 lap on SV so I can't give a great report on it yet. It was a lot of fun though! I wouldn't say it's as intense as Skyrush. It's intense in other ways, if that makes any sense?
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by SirWillow SirWillow Profile at 5/11/18 10:23:36 AM
theRock-steel said:

I am less interested in getting involved in this everyday. Even from a pure ride perspective I'm not sure. I have almost no use for ejector airtime. I have heard this compared to El Toro and Skyrush, two rides that many experts love, but I do not. (Being thrown into bad restraints to the point it hurts is no fun for me.) Let's be positive. Could SV be compared in any way to Goliath, Iron Rattler, New Texas Giant, or even Phoenix / Voyage ? I love those rides.

I would think it would ride a lot more like Goliath, IR and NTG compared to Toro and Skyrush for one simple reason- those 3 are all Rocky Mountain Coasters like Steel Vengeance, while the 2 you don't like aren't. The trains are going to be based on the earlier RMC trains so you should find them much more comfortable.

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by theRock-steel theRock-steel Profile at 5/11/18 10:39:17 PM
SirWillow said:

I would think it would ride a lot more like Goliath, IR and NTG compared to Toro and Skyrush for one simple reason- those 3 are all Rocky Mountain Coasters like Steel Vengeance, while the 2 you don't like aren't. The trains are going to be based on the earlier RMC trains so you should find them much more comfortable.

I'm starting to be more interested in this again.

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/12/18 9:50:12 PM
I'm going to give it a try tomorrow. Make a big breakfast in the morning, then head out to CP (2hr drive). Get there around noon. I'll check out SV and see whats going on. I plan on staying the night somewhere, I see HoJo has rooms for about $55 that's not bad. I also want to check out the new Hotel Breakers West section, I might just do that depending on weather and crowds. 55 deg sounds like a perfect day to me, nice and cool I like that.

* This post was modified at 5/12/18 9:52:40 PM *

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/14/18 1:40:29 PM
Still one train operation as of yesterday. I didn't even bother seeing how long the line was, people were saying about 2 hours.

Park was dead otherwise. The gate was open at Millennium for the majority of the day (meaning you get off and go right back to the loading station).
I actually got a ride on BlueStreak where I was the only person on the train. Valravn was about 10 minutes, and Maverick 20.

I got a feeling SV is going to be a problem this year.

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by mugen828 mugen828 Profile at 5/14/18 3:36:04 PM
NotSo said:

Still one train operation as of yesterday. I didn't even bother seeing how long the line was, people were saying about 2 hours.

Park was dead otherwise. The gate was open at Millennium for the majority of the day (meaning you get off and go right back to the loading station).
I actually got a ride on BlueStreak where I was the only person on the train. Valravn was about 10 minutes, and Maverick 20.

I got a feeling SV is going to be a problem this year.

That's a real bummer to hear. Imagine traveling across state lines or even flying from another country to ride it and then you can't. Hope people research it before making the trip!

- mugen828
157 Coasters -- Favorite Coaster -- Nitro (SFGAdv)
117 Steel -- 40 Wood -- Home Park: SFGADv
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/21/18 4:50:11 PM
I'm at CP today. Checked out SV. One train ops still, 3 1/2hr line at noon. No thanks hahah!

Sorta crowded today. Dragster down as usual.

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by Speedster Speedster Profile at 5/29/18 1:35:17 PM
I was at CP on Thursday 6/24. Steel Vengeance is my new #1. It is a truly great ride. I've never had so much fun on a coaster! Still only one train running, though. Even with early entry and running to get to Steel Vengeance to be first in line, we still had to wait 45 minutes. Early evening, we waited 90 minutes. The rest of the park was fairly empty... average of 15-20 minutes to get on MF, Maverick, Raptor, Magnum, Gatekeeper. Dragster shut down several times, including the last two hours of the day.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 5/29/18 9:06:31 PM
Speedster said:

I was at CP on Thursday 6/24. Steel Vengeance is my new #1. It is a truly great ride. I've never had so much fun on a coaster! Still only one train running, though. Even with early entry and running to get to Steel Vengeance to be first in line, we still had to wait 45 minutes. Early evening, we waited 90 minutes. The rest of the park was fairly empty... average of 15-20 minutes to get on MF, Maverick, Raptor, Magnum, Gatekeeper. Dragster shut down several times, including the last two hours of the day.

You went to CP on my birthday, in the future!! 6/24 that's awesome!! Hahahah

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by Speedster Speedster Profile at 6/3/18 6:51:30 PM
As of June 2, Steel Vengeance is running two trains! There are still big waits of about 2 hours, though. And they've opened it to Fast Lane Plus, which had waits of around 45 minutes. But it really is worth the wait. It's just an incredible ride.
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by Speedster Speedster Profile at 6/3/18 6:52:44 PM
Happy belated birthday!
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by raptor6272 at 6/6/18 2:21:17 AM

You'll love it, it my favorite coaster now!!


Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by NotSo NotSo Profile at 6/19/18 11:47:02 PM
Ok, I take back what I said above in this thread, about SV not being as intense as SkyRush at Hershey. It is most definitely as intense as Skyrush. After 4 rides today, I can honestly say I thought my thigh bones were going to snap. I have very strong legs too, and besides trying to break my legs hahaha, SV seems like a leg workout because if im not pushing back in the seat it for real feels like my femur bones will snap. It is relentless, non stop up and down forces. Now, there is no airtime, because you are stapled in (I wonder if all RMCs are like this???) so, Diamondback remains my favorite coaster because of all the floater air. But Steel Vengeance is pretty good, after MF, Dragster and Magnum I would say it's my 4th favorite ride at CP.

oh yeah edit, we did have fast lane. line was 2 hours we waited 15-20 minutes each time..

Rode Dragster 8 times today, woo!!!

one more edit - I have never seen a wooden structure sway so much. It does not look safe haha. If you are in line, watch the turn after the 1st inversion. The supports creak and make snapping sounds, it moves several feet. I will make this prediction - 2021 SV will snap and fall into Lighthouse Point! It does not look safe at all!!

* This post was modified at 6/20/18 12:30:09 AM *

Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by mugen828 mugen828 Profile at 6/22/18 4:49:09 PM
NotSo said:

Ok, I take back what I said above in this thread, about SV not being as intense as SkyRush at Hershey. It is most definitely as intense as Skyrush. After 4 rides today, I can honestly say I thought my thigh bones were going to snap. I have very strong legs too, and besides trying to break my legs hahaha, SV seems like a leg workout because if im not pushing back in the seat it for real feels like my femur bones will snap. It is relentless, non stop up and down forces. Now, there is no airtime, because you are stapled in (I wonder if all RMCs are like this???) so, Diamondback remains my favorite coaster because of all the floater air. But Steel Vengeance is pretty good, after MF, Dragster and Magnum I would say it's my 4th favorite ride at CP.

oh yeah edit, we did have fast lane. line was 2 hours we waited 15-20 minutes each time..

Rode Dragster 8 times today, woo!!!

one more edit - I have never seen a wooden structure sway so much. It does not look safe haha. If you are in line, watch the turn after the 1st inversion. The supports creak and make snapping sounds, it moves several feet. I will make this prediction - 2021 SV will snap and fall into Lighthouse Point! It does not look safe at all!!

That last part makes me wonder if yous should ask someone if it's by design?

Buildings are built to sway, so maybe it's the same case with a coaster.

- mugen828
157 Coasters -- Favorite Coaster -- Nitro (SFGAdv)
117 Steel -- 40 Wood -- Home Park: SFGADv
Re: I can't believe my first RMC is going to be Mean Streak by theRock-steel theRock-steel Profile at 6/25/18 7:08:08 AM
I too didn't have to worry about whether I was going to put Steel Vengeance as my new number one. (I also have Diamondback as my favorite because of the floater air.) It is not likely that a RMC with those kind of restraints will ever be in my top 10. My shins were being stapled in and I was in pain the whole time. On the forth ride I did figure out the way to ride it, so the degree of pain was a four out of ten instead of a six out of ten.

Cedar Point Top Coasters:
Millennium Force
Top Thrill Dragster
Wicked Twister

My Top RMC's:
New Texas Giant
Iron Rattler
Outlaw Run
Twisted Cyclone
Storm Chaser