Vertical Loopers without OTSR
I've seen coasters that feature corkscrew and other twisting inversions that don't have OTSR--namely those by RMC. I was just wondering, however; does anyone here know of any vertically-looping coasters without OTSR? More specifically, ones where the seats don't have headrests.
sooper dooper looper at hersehy park
mindbender at six flags over georgia
shockwave at six flags over texas
montezoomas revenge at knotts berry farm
there are probably a few more but these are the ones that i can think of the top of my head.
* This post was modified at 12/9/17 8:46:32 PM *

Revolution at SFMM. Ran many years without otsr's. Added them later on, and a couple of years ago got rid of them again.
colossal fire dragon at lagoon near salt lake city
the 2 mr freeze coasters at six flags over texas & six flags st louis
the texas tornado at wonderland in amarilo texas
i forgot the name of the park or the coaster but the one at that small park in phoenix arizona
the one at adventureland in altoona iowa(forgot the name)
plus several that are not around anymore that i happened to ride when they were around mainly
son of beast at kings island
viper & greezed lightning both at six flags astroworld
viper at six flags over georgia
greezed lightning at californias great america
lazer coaster at dorney park
& even though i never had a chance to do them the 3 schwartzkopf shuttle loops at kennywood, kings dominion & carowinds & the red devil at ghost town in the sky in north carolina.
there might be a few more but these are the ones that i can think of at this time now.
Also the chiller at six flags great adventures had lapbars only part of the time from 2001 & 2002.

Given that; I notice that RMC seats conversely don't have headrests. That's really where my curiosity lies.
My supposition is this: For vertical loops, the rider's neck probably requires more reinforcement.
Thanks for the referrals, folks!

Dare Devil Dive
Iron Shark
Even the teasers for HangTime and Tantrum don't show OTSR. I'm not sure about the one for the new Nickelodeon park.

Ultimate Rollercoaster Moderator
But really, if you only had vertical loops, from a physics standpoint, there's 0 reason to have OTSR's. The G forces actually push you into your seat, you're safer in the loop than anywhere else (except for the possible head trauma from the G's).

Coastergenius100 said:
On the contrary, I believe that most coasters that only have pure vertical loops only have the lapbars, unless the parks are very paranoid and for some reason demand the extra unnecessary safety. But really, I think that coasters that only have vertical loops are kind of relics of the past. They were popular elements before computers allowed custom, freeform designs, but these days, you don't need those stock elements. These days, other elements have gotten more appealing.
But really, if you only had vertical loops, from a physics standpoint, there's 0 reason to have OTSR's. The G forces actually push you into your seat, you're safer in the loop than anywhere else (except for the possible head trauma from the G's).
Meanwhile, my supposition is that all vertical loopers will have seats with headrests to support the rider's neck. So far, those listed in this thread follow suit. I have yet to see/find an exception, other than the twisting, non-vertical loopers created by RMC.