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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coasters, Parks & Attractions > Can anyone tell me how powered rails on dark rides work?

Can anyone tell me how powered rails on dark rides work?

Posted: 7/25/17 at 12:59:02 PM
Views: 2022

I recently rode Fantastic Journey at Wonderland Amusement Park in Texas, and I was wondering if anyone can tell me how the powered rails on that ride or similar rides work? Diagrams or pictures would be greatly appreciated.

Fantastic Journey Ridethrough by Coaster Force

Re: Can anyone tell me how powered rails on dark rides work? *NM* by lawrencek1798 at 8/31/17 11:21:00 AM
Re: Can anyone tell me how powered rails on dark rides work? by ajaynejr at 10/25/17 10:12:31 PM
Typical older technology dark rides with an upright guide rail lengthwise down the middle of the path have a metal strip on one side of the rail for positive* and a metal strip on the other side for negative* and the ride car picks up electrical power for a built in motor that way.

Magnetically propelled cars have electromagnets on the floor along the car's path. The electromagnets are energized in sequence to attract steel plates attached to the undersides of the cars and achieve the desired speed. There may also be the aforementioned metal strips to provide electricity to the cars to operate lights.

* "Hot" and "neutral" respectively for alternating current.

* This post was modified at 10/25/17 10:34:28 PM *