Caterpillar Ride
Caterpillar ride at myrtlebeach south carolina opening this summer.Actually they contact me.
I have seen its video and pictures but is there any other exciting rides over there? so the my family can enjoy?
* This post was modified at 8/28/15 2:11:12 AM *

I was lucky enough to visit Family Kingdom and Hard Rock Park in '08 when it was open.
* This post was modified at 8/28/15 8:23:30 AM *

This is an example of an old, classic caterpillar. It resides at Canobie Lake Park.
Coaster to Park Ratio: 4.94 / Steel to Wooden Ratio: 2.56 / Wooden Coaster Percentage: 28%
Facebook: Search Park Connoisseur

Overbanked said:
Myrtle Beach also has Family Kingdom. It's has a nice wooden coaster called 'Swamp Fox'. It also has a wild mouse, a kiddie coaster, and a similar ride to Caterpillar called 'Hurricane'.
I was lucky enough to visit Family Kingdom and Hard Rock Park in '08 when it was open.
I visited Myrtle Beach just last month, first time and probably only time (yeah, I'm old(er), bucket list stuff).
The place the original poster refers to is part of "Broadway on the Beach," link below (and it is not on the beach). That Pavilion "park" is actually three separate areas with said rides...hence the East, Central, West designations.
As for Family Kingdom's coasters...Swamp Fox is pretty good, quite smooth with a fine finishing helix if you like laterals. Since I love air time, I was underwhelmed in that regard. It misses the mark by "this much" which in a couple spots I bet 5 MPH more would have done the trick.
The Wild Mouse hey have? Pretty great! No in course brakes, good speed. Better than a lot of those "standard, simple" models that are out there.

drachen said:
Never been to Myrtle Beach. From the website, it looks like their "caterpillar" ride is more like a Himalaya or Music Express.
This is an example of an old, classic caterpillar. It resides at Canobie Lake Park.
Yep, that's the one! Still running strong with working canopy.
I believe it is one of just two still operating.
BTW, just in case folks are not sure how to pronounce "Canobie" (I hear CAN-oh-bee, can-OH-bee), it rhymes with canopy so it comes out as can-uh-bee.
So the locals have said for decades, of which I am one.

Take this page for example: L'Ideale Chenille (Ideal Caterpillar) was built in 1922 and fully restored in the 1980's when it was brought to France. It appears twice a year in Lille, France and is fully transportable! The only modification to the ride was a larger operator's booth.
There is also this one: L'Atomica:
La Piste aux Etoiles (Star Trail):