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What are the real types of coasters on RCT3?

Posted: 11/23/06 at 2:09:07 PM
Views: 18481

A lot of the new types of coasters on RCT3, Soaked, and Wild are coaster types I've never heard of. For instance the drift coaster. What are the actually real concepts? Better yet what are the fake ones?


Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Overbanked Overbanked Profile at 11/23/06 3:26:38 PM

> Better yet what are the fake ones?

These are the ones that range from I'm not sure about, to being fake.

Dingy Slide (I never saw a lift-hill on a slide before; Oh, it's not a coaster anyway)
Dizzy Dropper
Drifting Coaster
Extended Coaster
Robotic Coaster
Rotating Tower Coaster
Sea Serpent Coaster
Splitting Coaster
Sky Rider (It looks familiar, like I saw it somewhere)
Towering Coaster
Wooden Wild Mine (this coaster also looks familiar)

The RCT thrill ride that I'm not sure about: Whirling Dervish (Althrough I wouldn't be a bit surprised if it was real).

PS: Vertical/Dive coasters doesn't have loops yet, and none where known to seat six across. LOL.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Cal at 11/24/06 7:27:02 AM

Yes, a lot look dodgy, but have probably been taken from concepts at IAAPA and so on. A lot of these don't make it into production - I remember reading about a Japanese invention which had a coaster leaping a gap in the tracks. To my knowledge, it never went into production.

The Towering Coaster is the Maurer Sohne HBX 2000, only one of which exists, at Drayton Manor in the UK. It's called G Force.

The extended coaster is just a coaster with a lot of track pieces. Basically, you can make almost anything out of it.

The Sea Serpent is just a themed Schwarzkopf-style shuttle.

The Wooden Wild Mine is a wooden mouse with mine-style cars. Southport's King Solomon's Mines was one of these. Sadly, it looks likely to be no more following the closure of this park.

The others, I'm not sure, I haven't really tried building any of the new ones yet aside from Half-Pipe and the Ball Coaster.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Cal at 11/24/06 5:54:20 PM

OK, now I've had a play around, the Dizzy Dropper is the S&S Screaming Squirrel coaster (there are three of these in the world - one in China, one in Italy and one in Russia).

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Overbanked Overbanked Profile at 11/25/06 8:25:27 AM

I found out that the Sky Rider is real; There's only one in the world, and it's in Germany.

So far the fake/need a reality check list looks like this:

Drifting coaster

Robotic coaster

Rotating Tower coaster

Splitting coaster (it looks very similar to Furious Baco [under construction] in Port Aventura, Spain; although that one's seats can't rotate or track doesn't split like the RCT version does. Furious Baco is a launched coaster and RCT's splitting coaster doesn't launch, unless you're savvy enough to use a block brake)

Extended coaster (like Cal said, it's a coaster that you can do anything with. It's like a "dream coaster". You can even navigate outward-facing vertical loops on this, and it's a sit-down coaster.)

* This Post Has Been Modified *

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Cal at 11/28/06 6:12:30 AM

Well, having built a Dizzy Dropper, I have to say it's actually not a Screaming Squirrel after all, as those invert, whereas this stays the right way up. However, it's very similar in concept.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Jim_S Jim_S Profile at 11/28/06 9:57:07 PM

It sounds like that's a Frequent Faller -- although we can debate whether that's a "real" coaster if nobody has actually installed one yet.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Overbanked Overbanked Profile at 11/29/06 12:16:56 AM

^^^Good point; "actual real-life installed coasters" is what the thread title should have read instead of "real types of coasters".

* This Post Has Been Modified *

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Cal at 12/1/06 10:56:39 AM

I imagine most are genuine concepts, like the Tilt, but haven't been installed anywhere.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Corkscrew_Foley Corkscrew_Foley Profile at 12/4/06 12:30:53 PM

> I imagine most are genuine concepts, like the Tilt, but
> haven't been installed anywhere.

I saw on YouTube someone had done a Tilt, and the actual tilt was almost at the end of the ride. It looked fantastic!


Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by SirWillow SirWillow Profile at 12/5/06 6:35:29 AM

> I imagine most are genuine concepts, like the Tilt, but
> haven't been installed anywhere.

> I saw on YouTube someone had done a Tilt, and the actual
> tilt was almost at the end of the ride. It looked
> fantastic!

There has been at least one tilt coaster built so far, Gravity Max in Taiwan.

I remember reading something about another one being built, but don't remember where it was supposed to go, or whatever happened to it.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by SFGAman SFGAman Profile at 6/22/10 5:34:36 PM

> PS: Vertical/Dive coasters doesn't have loops yet, and none
> where known to seat six across. LOL.

Haha fail

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Overbanked Overbanked Profile at 6/22/10 6:08:03 PM

^^^Man, that was WAY back in 06'. I was referring about vertical loops(like on RCT3 vertical coasters) Of course SheiKra debuted in 05' as the first dive coaster with an immelmann loop. Immelmanns are still the only inversions on dive coasters.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Timber-Rider at 6/23/10 12:57:15 PM

I was actually surprised to learn that the dizzy dropper is an actual rollercoaster. I saw one at a park in europe, I think it is at a park in stockholm sweeden. It doesn't have a verticle lift, but is pretty much the same ride.

I wonder if anyone recalls the scrapped version of this ride that was going to be built at Hersheypark. I remember looking at the concept designs, and it looked like it was heavily braked after each drop. It did have a verticle lift, and, about four or five drop turns. The project was eventually scrapped.

The only difference between the stockholm ride, and the Hershey ride, was that the Hershey ride would not invert, and the stockholm ride had cars that flip freely.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by SFGAman SFGAman Profile at 6/23/10 2:34:26 PM

> ^^^Man, that was WAY back in 06'. I was referring about
> vertical loops(like on RCT3 vertical coasters) Of course
> SheiKra debuted in 05' as the first dive coaster with an
> immelmann loop. Immelmanns are still the only inversions on
> dive coasters.

Griffon and Sheikra are the 2 of the 5 Dive machines in the world that have immelmans. Oblivion dosen't.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Overbanked Overbanked Profile at 6/23/10 3:17:32 PM

^^Actually Griffon, SheiKra and two other foreign country B&M dive machines are four of the six that have immelmanns. The other non-looping dive machine (besides Oblivion)is "Dive Machine G5" at Janfusun Fancyworld in Taiwan.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by SFGAman SFGAman Profile at 6/23/10 4:20:26 PM

^^^^^^ Really? Woops i thought they were the only two

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by ReverRever1414 at 8/26/13 5:36:39 PM
Actually there is a roller coaster in Japan called Takabisha and it is a towering rollercoaster.
Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Rollercoaster_freak220 Rollercoaster_freak220 Profile at 8/26/13 11:51:18 PM
A. This is a thread from 06. Before Takabisha was even a thought.

B. Takabisha is not a "towering coaster." It's a eurofighter.

C. There is a coaster like the RCT3 version that has been built. I have next to no info on it, but here's a video of it:

Apparently it's a traveling coaster in Germany.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by TheRCT3Braviary at 12/29/15 3:40:24 PM
I think I can crack all the coasters you guys think is fake.

-The Dizzy Dropper was going to be an idea in Hersheypark, but they scrapped the idea.

-The Towering Coaster is real, they are building one in a theme park called Ankapark.

-Extended Coasters are real, the Extended Coaster car is an X-Coaster car.

-No one mentioned the Mini Suspended Flying Coaster, but the one I find closely resembling it, is Skytrak from Granada Studios.

-The Sea Serpent Coaster is real! It is a Pax Company Cobra-1 coaster, but those coasters are cobra themed, not sea serpent themed.

-Sky Rider is a Caripro Gyroflyer. There is one at Skyline Park.

-There is a 6-seat dive coaster, Krake at Heide Park. Also, the new coasters, Baron 1898 at Efteling, and Oblivion at Gardaland.

-The Whirling Dervish is real, made by Fabbri, but it was called Hard Rock. It was at a fair that I don't know the name.

-The Wooden Wild Mine is real, as said by Cal.

And the rest, are fake:
Rotating Tower Coaster
Robotic Coaster
Splitting Coaster
Drifting Coaster

But I'm not sure about:
Loop-The-Loop (flat ride)
Dingy Slide

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Boopez at 7/1/17 7:56:38 PM
I know this thread is extremely old, but in case anyone comes across it later: the drifting coaster is a real concept and it's by Yolo Works. Even though it's not to the scale of the in-game coaster, the car concept is still the same. The Robotic Coaster was also at one point a concept design by RoboCoaster, but I'm not sure if it ever came to fruition.

I can't speak for the others that were mentioned, but as far as I'm aware, all RCT3 coasters are based on either real coasters or existing concept works.

Drift coaster.

* This post was modified at 7/1/17 7:57:44 PM *

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by boom642 at 7/11/17 10:23:24 AM
I believe the Forbidden Journey at Universal is a RoboCoaster.

Re: What are the real types of coasters on RCT3? by Coaster_Universe at 12/22/17 12:41:32 AM
If anyone still sees this here are what the coasters are/ are based off of:

Dingy Slide- Based off of the water coasters

Dizzy Dropper- Based off of Hershey's Frequent Faller that never opened

Drifting Coaster- Based off an IAPPA concept

Extended Coaster- Is mainly for freedom but the cars appear to be based off of Maurer Schone ride cars like used on HRRR

Robotic Coaster- based off of Arrows unbuilt Robotic Coaster (but was a working IAPPA concept)

Rotating Tower Coaster- Another failed IAPPA concept

Sea Serpent Coaster- Based off the PAX Cobra

Splitting Coaster- Yet another failed IAAPA coancept

Sky Rider- Based off Sky Rider at Skyline Park

Towering Coaster- Based off a portable roller coaster owned by O'Neill Shows

Wooden Wild Mine- Based off of old wooden wild mouse coasters