RCT2 and Vista
I know there are several of these posts out there, and I have reviewed each one to see if my problem could be solved. No dice.
I haven't been able to play my RCT2 for THREE years now, my withdraws are deadly at this point.
I need a link to a digital download of RCT2 and all it's expanstions--- I think if I purchase them all at once in a digital download, it might work on my Vista.
I have the original install disk and Foils and LoopyL, but the game won't even start when I click on the icon. An error message pops up that Vista just 'can't play the game' or something to that extent. I've found several DEMOS that play the game for one hour, but after my hour is up and I attempt to purchase them online, something is wrong and the website won't allow me to purchase the game.
I'd be forever grateful if someone could show me a website with ALL the RCT2 things for sale, so I can have them. Mind you I'd only like Legal-Copys, for my own reasons.
Thanks for reading my post!