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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > RCT3 problem? :(

RCT3 problem? :(

Posted: 6/26/10 at 10:32:14 PM
Views: 21894

I installed it and everything and all of that worked but when I went to play the game, the cursor doesn't show up. anyone know why and how i can fix it?? i really want to play. it looks so fun! thanks!

Re: RCT3 problem? :( by xxchar at 6/29/10 12:49:53 AM

That happens if your video card/chip doesn't fully support the game. This typically only happens on older models and can sometimes be resolved by simply updating the drivers.

Re: RCT3 problem? :( by crogiez crogiez Profile at 10/2/10 4:07:12 PM


i have make a helppage for you
click on "rct3 help for all"

help for all page


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rct3 help for all

Re: RCT3 problem? :( by rollercoasterfreak1 at 4/3/11 5:00:50 PM

I cant find my rct3

Re: RCT3 problem? :( by shinorama at 4/1/12 7:20:46 AM
I seen this problem before, its easy to solve on one condition otherwise i doont know other reasons for it and how to solve. BUT have you got your mouse settings on your computer ( not the game if it can be toggled) to have multiple arrows trailing behind it. On pointer options for your mouse ake sure the '' display pointer trails'' is un- ticked. Strangly this was the case for me and could see the curser after on the game. hope it works if you not solved it by now