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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > No Limits Help

No Limits Help

Posted: 11/23/08 at 3:27:59 PM
Views: 10788


I just downloaded the No Limits demo, to try it out and all that jazz. Anyhoo, I'm having issues with station placement, and when I try to add the lift, it still move the station. Help would be grately appreciated. Thanks.


Re: No Limits Help by rollercoastersfreak rollercoastersfreak Profile at 11/24/08 12:15:22 PM

you probaly wont get any help on this because I had this same question about a month ago and I got no help at all. I am not trying to be mean. but if you do find an answer then email me

Re: No Limits Help by junebugg junebugg Profile at 2/21/09 5:27:52 AM

> Hello,

> I just downloaded the No Limits demo, to try it out and all
> that jazz. Anyhoo, I'm having issues with station
> placement, and when I try to add the lift, it still move
> the station. Help would be grately appreciated. Thanks.

> Tim.

How exactly are you adding the lift after you add the station?