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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > Getting RCT 1 to work on WIndows XP?

Getting RCT 1 to work on WIndows XP?

Posted: 1/17/07 at 5:08:59 AM
Views: 2648

Hello all, this is probably a question that has been asked before. I have just found my old copy of the original RC1 disk at the back of a drawer. The game istalled fine onto my Windows XP system but I can't play the game. Each time I click on a park to play I am brought back out to the main menue. Is there some kind of patch to get RC1 to work on Windows XP?


Re: Getting RCT 1 to work on WIndows XP? by sixfagsfreak at 1/28/07 9:24:46 PM

turn of the power with out shuting down the turn on and let it do disk checking( it takes 5 to 10 min) then it should work.