building under pyramids
im not sure how to build under a pyramid. If anyone can help, great thanks.
You didnt say what you wanted to build under the pyramid. If its a walkway or ride that is starting from outside the pyramid then you have to have a flat vertical ground surface of two heighth spaces either by raising or lowering the ground and then running your path/ride into that surface. If your starting under the pyramid with a ride starting with the ride platform then you hold down the shift key, hold the platform over the space where you want it to be under the pyramid then move the mouse down to lower the platform down to whatever level you want it to be at (reverse of moving the mouse up to elevate something above ground level). You can also do this with some scenery items like buildings ,animals etc. You can not do it with things like trees, fences, walls etc.
Hope that helps.
> im not sure how to build under a pyramid. If anyone can
> help, great thanks.