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RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4

Posted: 6/15/06 at 5:40:00 PM
Views: 316854

Well it's not titled RCT4, but it's being made by the same company, it will be released on PS2, Xbox, and PSP. Lucas Arts is publishing this title. It is called Thrillville, and it should be exciting. I am sure that Atari lost a big deal here, and we will most likely not see any new expansions for RCT3.

Re: RCT4 by Wicked_twister_freak at 6/16/06 11:08:16 AM

If Atari is scared why dont they make RCT4?And How do you know when new games come out I wish I did.

Re: RCT4 by aerithchylde at 6/16/06 5:38:51 PM

Atari is not doing well at all, showing massive losses. To the point that they may not be around much longer. Which is why we probably won't see an RCT4. This new one is pretty much RCT4. As it is being made by the same company that made RCT3, and if you look at the screens they look just like RCT3, even the peeps.

As for knowing when games come out. Well I am a gamer and read game sites all day. I also work in the gaming industry so I hear things from other people in the industry. Oh and I have been to all but 1 E3 in the last 6 years.

> If Atari is scared why dont they make RCT4?And How do you
> know when new games come out I wish I did.

Re: RCT4 by Wicked_twister_freak at 8/3/06 1:58:02 PM

You never told when it will come out.and what systems will it be out on.if your telling the truth I will probably buy it the day it comes out.

Please answer my questions.

Thank You

Re: RCT4 by xBlackcatx at 8/1/07 10:02:20 AM

Thrillvile is not nearly as good as roller coaster tycoon. I bet they will make a fourth roller coaster tycoon.

Re: RCT4 by steeleye5 at 9/21/07 10:12:10 PM

prolly will after The Creator and i think either atari or frontier get done in court

Re: RCT4 by kroan kroan Profile at 11/13/07 6:57:53 AM


I'm not sure that Atari and Frontier will code a brand new version for this game... Unfortunately. As said before, Atari seems not to have made as much as money as they expected with the RCT3 suite because of the "lightness" of its content and its "High-Range performances required" on computers...
I'm confused...

Re: RCT4 by chava at 12/12/07 9:52:54 AM

they should make a rct4 with new and better graphics!! and real food places like burger king mcdonalds! and pizza hut so many!! they also should make the rides look more real! and better supports to the ride and they should have events on rct4 like a halloween one where u can decorate the park or a christmas one where u can add at big christmas tree!! that would be awesome!! every ride should also be built to make it go backwards or switch track or launch!!!! if i was rich and famous i would make rct4 i was even thinking they should make a halloween game called FRIGHT NIGHT! it can be about haunted houses u can make and pick a park like dorney park scream world or universal studios halloween horror nights!!!! u can hire people to scare add fog machines creepy and scary scenery!!! that would be cool!

Re: RCT4 by kroan kroan Profile at 12/29/07 8:05:34 AM

Ah... If only it could be...

For this moment on, the only thing we can learn about an RCT4 are only speculations... :(

Hope it will come true, and soon...

Re: RCT4 by hotroller529 at 1/13/08 6:24:28 PM

I think they should bring the Park manager expirence (if they ever make a RCT4) they should give u the option to round out paths...and spli the ride Queue...and give u the option to make a resort...and possibly put in a couple of REAL resturants. The game is all about seeing if u'll make it in park lets get more of a challenge...right? Oh, and let the rollercoasters switch in Expidetion Everest... :)

Re: RCT4 by Zeuskitty Zeuskitty Profile at 1/21/08 2:33:50 PM

RCT3 - - I want a new type of transportation ride. – You would build roads in the same fashion that you build the paths. The stations would be things like, bus stops, parking lots, bike racks, hitching post, that connect the roads with the paths. Peep would ride a Bus, a Golf Carts, bikes, horses, or a chariot to the next station and get off the ride.

Did I mention Golf Carts? I would love to build my own golf course - - Then play it!- Four!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by mapew9319 mapew9319 Profile at 1/24/08 3:44:48 PM

If theres ever a fourth one, I would wnat a lot of changes.
There should be steeper drops, longer helixes, taller and steeper overbanked turns, an easier way to make cusom supports, longer twists (similar to like top thrill dragster and kingda ka, that have twists the whole way down, and also, longer tops of hills, (like kingda ka's camel back)

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by lee_gold1 at 2/13/08 6:38:56 AM

why would they make rct4 for the ps2?

RCT 1,2 and 3 was on computer

i hope they make RCT4 for the PC.
ive completed all the others and im waiting for a challenge :]

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by AtariTech105 at 5/17/08 9:41:19 PM

Ok lets put these so called tales to rest. I cant tell you if we are bringing RCT4 in or not Im sworn by law to keep all production matters a secret.

RCT3 was a awesome title and still is from what can see. Its brought Roller Coaster Tycoon to a entire new level. So as for it dying out and going to PSP , Xbox , and Playstations not true at all.

Thrillville is a entirely diffrent type of game. All though Frontier has produced doesnt mean Roller Coaster Tycoon is doomed.

Chris Sayer owns rigths to the game and desides rather or no who helps produce it. Only he desides along with CEO's of Frontier and Atari, but what I can share is that they are still workin together.

As for Atari in trouble and having losses? Please thats like saying Donald Trump cant afford a Hotel. Atari is running strong and soon will be running stronger then ever. We have many new titles coming out in Fall of 2008 and for Spring of 2009. So Atari isnt fading anywhere fast.

Thanks everyone and enjoy the gaming life "Game on"

Richard Caudell

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by crogiez crogiez Profile at 5/18/08 11:13:59 AM


i am waiting for a RCT4
but i don't what new thinks to add in RCT4

so, i have make 16 scénarios and vidéos with RCT3
there are on my site :

you can play always with RCT3

16 scenarios and vidéos for RCT3 on my site

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Dan105fm at 5/29/08 12:14:36 PM

I played all the RCT games that have come out and i think they were amazing. the first one i played when i was 8 and i would be there for hours. even though thrillville is fun a few times, RCT was challenging and i hope they release a fourth one for the computer, not the consoles

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by hco_kid hco_kid Profile at 6/19/08 11:44:32 PM

I got Thrillville: Off The Rails for Wii and I don't like it because it's just not the traditional amusement park. There NEEDS to be a RCT4, because they could improve a lot. There needs to be more track elements already made up like pretzel loops, immelmanns, hammerheads, etc. And more track types like eurofighters, multi-loopers, better accelerators, stingrays, etc. And I know that Six Flags, Herhsey, and Holiday Park have all sponsered it but try to branch out and get more international, Busch corp, Cedar Fair.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by cedarflags44 at 6/26/08 10:45:44 PM

if they make a rct4 they should have a park that is like cedar point and i love cedar point. and it should be twice the fun as rct3.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by lodecharger at 6/29/08 5:30:41 PM

I think they should also make an RCT4 because then it could have better rides and more realistic things. They should add in better people graphics. The people should have better face features and more realistic clothes with actual functions. The food should have more shape and realism. also the people should talk instead of just screaming and puking.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Artemis at 7/5/08 11:03:28 AM

I would love to see RTC4 released in 2008, I really love RTC3 as its the first game where I have been able to have an expansion pack that allows me to create a waterpark also...

... However, it lacks many features and I agree there should be the option to add fast food restaurants such as Mac Donalds, Burger King, KFC, Subway, Costa Coffee, Harry Ramsdens, Pizza Hut, Starbucks etc

I want to see a game where you can turn your theme park into a complete holiday resort with hotels, apartments, villas, shops, restaurants, arcades, water park, zoo, bars, clubs, as well as choose where its located such as beachview, desert etc

Something like 'Ultimate Resort Tycoon' would be fabulous as well as a game where you can create a water park as the main focus like 'Aqua Tycoon' where theme park rides, and all the above can also be designed with hotels etc

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Tailford at 7/7/08 7:30:12 PM

I think if they make RCT4 the ride creation should be like NoLimits and there should be more land for your sandbox mode park that u can buy and possibly have the good custom scenery installed into the game

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by RolrCstrMan at 7/10/08 11:35:52 PM

Ok, I own All 3 of the RCT's And both of the Thrillvile Games, And the Concept is COMPLETLEY different. In Thrillvile, You are a person walking around the park, While in RCT You are a camera in the air looking at the park. I love RCT3. It is Much better than the other two. I like Thrillvile to, but it's just not the same.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by JVesely010 at 7/16/08 5:25:56 PM

I like RC3 and would indeed hope for a 4th soon, but I'd like to see the interface improved (RC3's interface was more clunky than RC1/2). It did get better with the patches, but they didn't fix everything...

Another thing that I really missed, was that the people were not eager enough to stand in line, AND they go through the turn style things to get on the ride waaay too slow. In the old one, if you had people in the line, your trains were full no matter what... I would like to see that in the new one....

Re: RCT4 by millennium_force_cp millennium_force_cp Profile at 7/21/08 12:06:21 AM

i agree i thought the second i played thrillvile it was stupid it was the biggest waste of time renting it and im glad i didnt buy it

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by lodecharger at 7/30/08 11:56:57 AM

They should Make an RCT4 because thrillville is nothing like it. You don't get to make sidewalks and the best rides. I think the Graphics in Thrillvile are very basic compared to the Rollercoaster tycoon series.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Subzero15 at 7/30/08 4:23:41 PM

when are they coming out with RCT5

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Subzero15 at 7/30/08 4:24:43 PM

thrillville is better. I have it for xbox 360

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 8/15/08 7:57:24 PM

I've got some ideas of things we'd like to see in a RCT4:

— As you may have seen in Six Flags, Flash passes.
— Sure, real restaurants, like McDonalds, KFC, etc.
— 4 types of parks: Amusement park, Aqua Park, Safari Park and Winter Park (with ski stations and toboggan slide). Each would have different opening times.
— In roller coaster designing, you could choose the angle of the track, from 0 to 90°. Maybe even some roller coasters could reach a little more...
— In aqua parks, you could make wave pools instead of adding wave machines in a normal pool. You could still change length and height of the waves.
— Depth of pools could be customized to make places where children would prefer to stay. You might only place diving boards if the pool is deep enough where you want to place it.

— In safari parks, three types would be in: Water, Thrill rides and animals. You might place pools, but you couldn't make big slides and wave pools. On the other hand, you could make things for children.
— In the rides section, you would have only some rides available, like small thrill rides, gentle rides and arcades. People will want to buy tickets a little more to access ride section.
— You'd have almost the same with animals, because, I think, it is already excellent, but you may prefer not to place two or more different animals in the same enclosure.

— In winter parks, chairlifts would be very important. People don't want to climb up a whole mountain by walking on a outside or inside staircase...
— You could customize your own ski slope, adding lots of obstacles and curves to make them harder. When looking at a ski slope stats, you could also check difficulty. People will get experience by doing ski tracks, so they'll want to do harder ones. Expert guests wouldn't do the easiest tracks, so you'd make sure you have easy, medium and hard tracks.
— Not only ski would be available, but also different toboggan rides, with different types of sleds, like crazy carpets.
— Down the hill, you might place other rides, like snowman contests, snowball fights, etc.
— Staff would do a different job, especially janitors. They won't water gardens or sweep footpaths, they would take a shovel and take out snow in footpaths. You could pay to upgrade your janitor's tool.
— There would be "houses" to rent skis, go to the toilets and pay tickets for chairlift. You could choose the size of them.
— Also, ice rinks will be there. People might rent, buy or bring their own ice skates. You might also create different shapes and types of rinks: Hockey rink, plain rink or track rink. Track rinks are most customizable, while hockey rinks have a strict size. Plain rinks, which are rectangular, could be customizable. Capacity of them would depend on the size of those rinks.
— Winter parks would be open from November to February-March or all year long depending on the temperature of the place where the park is.

Hope you like my ideas!

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 8/17/08 12:18:13 PM

Have anybody noticed that this topic is over 2 years old ? =P

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Artemis at 8/25/08 3:37:19 PM

I dont think anyone cares the age of it, we just like posting haha but your right, its very old surely we would have some information on a new RTC4/5 as well as whether something along the lines of our suggestions would be coming out...

Building a complete holiday resort would be amazing!!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by CoasterFreak558 at 8/26/08 11:40:24 PM

I would really like RCT4's peeps to get wet and like see them soked dripping in water. like a real person when they come out of like water rides!! And also seeing the peeps look like real actual peoples. and like they talk when going up the lift hill. And i want to see like real parks there like Cedar point or Six flags!! That would be soo tight! Im a big fan of roller coaster tycoon games and would hate to know RCT4 isnt coming out!!!!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by CoasterMadness at 9/9/08 4:43:09 PM

My Ideas for RCT4. Include the following

I really Like RCT3. And it gives me things I would like to see in a RCT4.

It would be awesome if when you build a coaster, and are able to put a premade one in your park, if they made them like the coasters in Cedar Point. Iwould also be awesome if some of the challenges were to make your park , look like a real amusement park. Like you have to make it look like Cedar Point or Six Flags. That would be an awesome Challenge.

For the Theme stuff, like Haunted, Western etc... If they included even more along with the ones already there. For example: Like a Water Park Theme, Super Hero Theme, etc..

It would be awesome to if the Dinosaurs were real like the animals in wild. Like you have to build a fence and they roam around in them. That would be cool. Imagine them getting loose!

And for Stalls, I think they should make more for each scenory. and more rides for each scenory. To have real ones like most said would be awesome.

It would be awesome to have options to change the look of the Main Gates too. and more options of Path types to choose from.

It would be cool if they made the option to place your park in different places in the world. and the ability to pick a flag for it or something.

and also to have special events in the game you can create, like the Fourth of July, or Halloween.

Some ride Ideas would include:

an actual arcade, thats not included with a theme like the Space one. and to have other games like at a real carnival or theme park. Like Hoops, and Ring Toss. that people can play.

Ride the Rides is awesome, but it would be cool, to also be able to click on a person in see the park through their eyes too.

It would be cool, to be able to build like a city outside the park too, to make it look like your park is in a actual place. in have parking lots, where people park to enter your park. And also the ability to move your park entrance where you would like it to be put. it would be cool, to have a roller coaster that is already in a building, like Disaster Transport at Cedar Point.

And some real life sounds. Like when your getting on a coaster at Cedar Point, you can hear the staff, talking about the rules, keeping hands and feet inside, and talking about the coaster, or like have the quee line screens show video of the coaster they are getting on.

it could be cool if you could curve your pathways too.

Signs. It would be awesome like with the thunder bobs. if you could creat signs like that to place on your rides.

anyways those are my ideas.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 9/9/08 7:44:19 PM

> Ride the Rides is awesome, but it would be cool, to also be
> able to click on a person in see the park through their
> eyes too.

There's a cheat in RCT3 which allows you to go in PeepCam by naming it "Jonny Watts".

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by CoasterFreak558 at 9/10/08 6:29:41 PM

Those are great ideas. if they actually put that for RCT4 i would totally buy it!!!!!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by bmxkid28 at 9/27/08 10:29:56 AM

if you are going to have a winter park with ice rinks, youi should be able to rent the rinks out to ice teams like hershey does with hershey park arena

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Dandelion at 10/2/08 12:30:58 AM

i was wondering if anybody could help me w rtc 2. under the category where u can build walls and roofs, everytime i try to put a roof over a structure it either says that i cant place it there or puts it on the ground. what am i doing wrong?

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 10/2/08 6:02:53 PM

create a new topic if you want to talk of this, here it's rct4

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by rollercoastersfreak rollercoastersfreak Profile at 10/2/08 7:29:25 PM

If they make a RCT4 they need to make some real parks on it like disney, universal, paramount parks, and cedar point

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by rollercoastersfreak rollercoastersfreak Profile at 10/2/08 7:33:26 PM

> And i want to see like real parks
> there like Cedar point or Six flags!!

RCT2 has six flags parks on it but just not all of them
Even though it would be nice to see all of the six flags parks on it a RCT game

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by pricey623 at 10/11/08 9:36:27 PM

OK, now its been a long time since the last message was posted and i think most of the replys and ideas were good but I could add a few more.

- Like RCT2 rollercoasters and rides have the option of coming with sceneri.

- Curved path

- resorts and that sounds AWESOME

- more realistic sizes to rides like the h2o bowl slides were in a horrible size

- wide variety of plants, paths front entrances and buildings

- real fast food places sounds good

- although u can see through peeps eyes with a cheat, why not have it has an option

- more realstic looking people

- the ability to not have to have change rooms so guests can ebter the swimming pool area, either they can go to a change room, change and then go in the pool

- ability to place rides diagonal

- more rides and transport options

- ability to places your parks around the world and have different landmarks eg. effiel tower and paris

- ski park/resort awesome idea

If you go to this site will e mail your ideas to Atari and that :D get to it !!!!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 10/12/08 9:23:29 PM

what could also be nice is to customize the angle of drop or twists. you could too go up, gentle drop put a twist, then continue as you want (example: gentle slope, sloped twist, no slope (upside down), quarter loop, etc.) that'd make nice coasters. Also, it'd be cool to create, like, S-bends in drops, or something like this.

EDIT: What could be nice would be : Multiplayer parks! You could challenge your friends or other people to have the highest score, like park value, guests, first one to have an amount of guests, etc. It'd be also cool if you could choose the detail mode, for those who have cheaper computers.

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Re: RCT4 by morningshadows at 10/27/08 9:16:20 PM

I heard that, if Atari DOES make RCT4, that they will be joining up with disney so you can have a lot more features and ride options to choose from.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by jacester188 at 11/19/08 12:20:03 PM

> If theres ever a fourth one, I would wnat a lot of changes.
> There should be steeper drops, longer helixes, taller and
> steeper overbanked turns, an easier way to make cusom
> supports, longer twists (similar to like top thrill
> dragster and kingda ka, that have twists the whole way
> down, and also, longer tops of hills, (like kingda ka's
> camel back)
the problem with the helixes is it makes 2 mutch lag

Re: RCT4 by jacester188 at 11/19/08 12:22:10 PM

yea disney stuff would be cool

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by edupinn at 11/27/08 10:46:27 AM

i heard that rct4 will be joined with disney, because the second one was with six flags and the third was with hershey, so there is disney remaining (and others, i hope!)
the most important change, for me, is the improvements of the pipes, because the rollercoaster with the standart pipes are very unreal! RCT4 must have better pipes. By the other hand, the artificial inteligence must be improved to, and I agree with the guy above who said there must be larger inversios.
I hope Atari launch rct4 as soon as possible, because, in my opinion, rct3 was far from what i really thought it would be.
Sorry my bad english =P

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by discodarth at 12/24/08 2:17:07 PM

Hey, I think that you have to hold shift or something, but TRY THIS: When you put the disc in, don't go to PLAY, go to MANUAL. It will open it in Acrobat Reader, scroll down to SCENERY and look at stacking. It tells you there. :D

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by discodarth at 12/24/08 2:20:53 PM

I have some ideas....
My major one is for actually building the roller coasters.
I wish that they brought back the mode from RCT2, Roller Coaster Designer (it may be in RCT3, I donno, I don't have it :D)
BUT instead of just playing track segments, you could make each little piece one at a time, and choose the angle and turn and all that. IT WOULD BE THE ULTIMATE CUSTOMIZABLE ROLLER COASTER!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by pushbutton at 1/12/09 6:03:35 AM

RCT3 is the best game I have ever played, no doubt about it. It's even better than the sims and SimCity.

But there's still room for improvement! Here's what I'd like to see in RCT4.

- Fix the minor bugs from RCT3. There's very few, but the ones I have noticed are that when you change the level of land, it can be almost impossible to get it to the level you require sometimes, despite the wide range of tools available. Maybe that's not a bug as such, but make it a bit easier to get the level right. The other one is that on a few rides, such as Hersheys kissing tower, when you close the ride, sometimes some or all of the guests on the ride get stuck and cannot leave the ride.

- Make the graphics a little less cartoonish and a bit more realistic (although I am happy with the RCT3 graphics but if they were even more realistic that would be even better)

I would also like it if the realism of gameplay were further improved as follows:
- Make the shops, food outlets and amenities more realistic both in terms of how they look, and how they operate. Someone suggested putting in real life chains such as McDonalds, KFC etc and I agree. It would make it more realistic and also the sponsorship from the companies concerned would offset the cost of production and enable the game to be sold a bit cheaper. Most importantly though I wish the shops etc were more realistic in how they work. Allow more customisation of shops, make them bigger, and have it so that when you close the shop, they actually close (vendor closes doors / shutters and then leaves the shop and walks out of the park). It might sound silly to some but the more realistic the park is the better as far as I'm concerned!

- Allow more customisation throughout the park, including the design of shops and amenities.

- Don't have the animals breeding quite so fast in the wildlife section!

- Have it so the animals go into their shelters and sleep when the viewing platforms are closed, so the animals are not visable when the wildlife park is closed.

- No matter what I do I seem to always get certain rides that hardly get any customers. Also if I keep a park open for a long time the number of customers gradually reduces, even if I do maximum advertising. If both these issues could be fixed so the customers keep on coming both to the park and to all rides (depending of course on factors like entry cost, advertising levels etc) that would be fantastic!

- When a ride is closed, currently anyone in the queue instantly leaves. I would prefer it if they made it that nobody else can join the queue, but those already in the queue get to ride, again it's more realistic that way.

- I'd like a greater variety of waterslides, flumes etc, and more realistic changing rooms, and the ability to put food outlets and shops within the waterpark section.

- I'd like to be able to have more than one entry to the park, and to be able to customise the entry or at least have several to choose from, and make the entry more like a real theme park entry rather than just a single archway as it is at present. Also when you close the park, then the entry gates should be closed, or a security guard should stand at the entry to stop people coming in (and then close the gates when everyone is out).
Ideally I'd like seperate entry and exit gates so that the guard can close the entry gates but leave the exit gates open until all guests are out. Again some may think all this irrelevant, but to me the whole experience of opening and closing the park is a major part of why I enjoy the game so the more realistic this is the better!

- When the park is closed, staff should go home automatically so you don't have loads of staff roaming around a closed park. Either that or make it so the day/night cycle takes MUCH longer than it currently does, make the length of a day highly customisable, and allow the user to set a roster for each staff member. A couple of security officers might be rostered to work all night, along with maybe a maintenance worker, but everyone else would finish soon after the park closed, and would walk out of the park and go home.

- Allow a decent carpark to be placed outside the park, and have cars come and go just as the guests do.

In short, make the game even more realistic than it already is and it will be even better in my opinion.

Possibly as an add-on to the next version, maybe you could give the option to make the park into a holiday resort (as someone else mentioned) by adding a hotel and / or chalets / cabins. I would want these to be immediately adjacant to the theme park with direct access to it, but not quite IN it as such, so that the actual theme park can still be completely closed at night but the guests can still be in the accomodation. Ideally, make this fully customisable so that you can also choose to have the accomodation right in the park, and give residential guests access to some or all parts of the park even when it's closed to outside guests.

The only other thing I would like is for the game to come with several pre-made parks already built, and ideally for these to be copies of real world parks.

That's all I can think of for now. Hope it comes out soon!

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by pushbutton at 1/12/09 6:13:29 AM

Actually I've just thought of another idea. Make it so that you can set automatic opening and closing hours for the park, and for each individual ride.

Also make it so that (within a suitably defined area) you can have some sort of parade of costumed characters once a day (or more than once if you want).

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by pushbutton at 1/12/09 6:20:34 AM

Oh and also make the staff do more their jobs more realistically. In particular have the security guards do things like talking to guests who are misbehaving or commiting crime, and sometimes arrest them or remove them from the park.

Also have random "disaster" type events happen such as vandalism, thugs, drunk people, guests who collapse, get sick, and even die, arsonists, people breaking in to the park at night, fires etc. Having said that there should be an option to disable all such events for those who don't want them. Make such events so they will only happen rarely, and when they do happen make them as realistic as possible and have it so that security responds very realistically and where necessary calls in police, fire service, ambulance etc.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by pushbutton at 1/12/09 6:26:57 AM

also I definitely agree that you should be able to have special events happen like Christmas and Haloween, and have suitable decorations and themed events.

However I would only want this if it were done realistically (eg I wouldn't want the decorations to just suddenly appear and disappear! I would want staff to come in and put them up, then when you choose for the event to be over they come in and take them down).

A similar thing would be that when the park is closed you could choose to host a themed conference sometimes, with suitable seating and other props being set up accordingly. You could choose how many guests are invited to the conference, and if you wished you could have selected rides / shops / restaurants open for them.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 1/12/09 6:18:54 PM

I agree with most of the ideas, but I think that some would be unreasonable :

- Lots of people talked about real restaurants, but Atari would have to buy rights to be able to use the name and that would be really expensive. I'm not sure that it will earn money to Atari, but I think it would COST them...

- It's the same for real parks (they had Six Flags parks on RCT2 ) and all things with trademarks.

And, pushbutton, if I understand correctly, you would like that the park would work day-by-day, and not by years. That is sure more realistic, but it would change entirely the gameplay... The best of this would be to have both in the game : the problem is that it would be really long if the day lasts as long than in real life (7 hours of opening = 7 years normally (without changing speed)) and you would only have to do one day. This mode would be more realistic.

Although, those two modes still keep an unrealistic thing : It takes years to build a real ride...

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by pushbutton at 1/13/09 2:38:37 AM

It can take a long time to build a ride, but that's one thing I would not want to be realistic in the game.

I guess that's the great thing about games, you can choose what you want to be realistic, but have other things completely unrealistic if you like too!

I still think companies such as McDonalds etc would PAY atari to have their logo featured in the game. It's free advertising for them. Product placement. It's the same principle as when companies pay to have their products shown in movies or on TV shows.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by rcfan042 at 1/26/09 9:53:39 PM

so is it on only xbox and psp. or is it from atari n them.(if ur wondering i just skipped down to the latest comment)

What? by ILIKEAIR57 at 1/29/09 6:51:30 PM

How could you possibly have a rollercoaster tycoon game on something without a mouse, trackball(a better kind of mouse), touchscreen, or whatever you want to call the way the Wii picks up the Wiimote signal? Either way, Atari will probably stay around for at least another year. If Atari does say it's going out of business, it had better get a government bail-out.

What? by ILIKEAIR57 at 1/29/09 6:51:33 PM

How could you possibly have a rollercoaster tycoon game on something without a mouse, trackball(a better kind of mouse), touchscreen, or whatever you want to call the way the Wii picks up the Wiimote signal? Either way, Atari will probably stay around for at least another year. If Atari does say it's going out of business, it had better get a government bail-out.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by lodecharger at 3/1/09 6:03:01 PM

Im back again i think all of these ideas should be sent to atari and then figure out if they will make a new game.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by bensimms72 at 4/7/09 2:18:41 PM

Man i wish they would make an Rct4 and the guy above me is right we should mail these comments and see if they would make a new one

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by bensimms72 at 4/7/09 2:18:44 PM

Man i wish they would make an Rct4 and the guy above me is right we should mail these comments and see if they would make a new one

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by bensimms72 at 4/7/09 2:18:45 PM

Man i wish they would make an Rct4 and the guy above me is right we should mail these comments and see if they would make a new one

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Coasterfreak53 at 5/17/09 11:44:05 PM

I too am a RCT-3 addict....but i dont see RCT-4 happening. Yes, atari would have to buy rights to all the real fast food joints, and restraunts just to add them into the game, but.....if you want to make your parks more realistic, and dont like using the in-game scenery, turn to CS. (custom scenery) I am a huge fan of CS, I also make it. RCT-3 players have broke the code for making CFR (custom flat rides), new flat rides that didnt come with RCT-3, Soaked, or Wild. And yes peep can actually ride them! :)

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Coasterfreak53 at 5/18/09 12:01:04 AM

("My Ideas for RCT4. Include the following

I really Like RCT3. And it gives me things I would like to
see in a RCT4.

For the Theme stuff, like Haunted, Western etc... If they
included even more along with the ones already there. For
example: Like a Water Park Theme, Super Hero Theme, etc..

And for Stalls, I think they should make more for each
scenery.") *You can have all that with CS. (custom scenery) :) You can make your own shops. There are shops and stall covers, or you can build a cover of your own. As for paths....there are path covers. Many CSO (custom scenery object) makers out there have path covers in their sets. CS gives you thousands of different looks for your parks, yet there are sets that are noobish, as well as looking fantastic. There is a Wizard Of Oz set, that is truely amazing, this gentalman is also working on a Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang car for a new custom car for all water, and land vehicles. It is outrageous!

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The answer to move objects up and down rct1/2/3 by AndrewMM at 5/28/09 3:37:12 PM

To place objects up and down you have to hold shift(the arrow pointing upwards)and move your mouse up or down.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by videogap at 6/2/09 4:15:59 PM

That actually sounds like an excellent idea! i hope they make rct4

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by taylor_bridges taylor_bridges Profile at 6/17/09 3:24:49 PM

You guys are all right about the changes that were wanted to be made, but there is something that would really make the game fun if RCT4 was made!!

If you have ever played Zoo tycoon 2, you have the option to choose whether you want to be in person view or sky view!!! Yes there is a cheat where you can go int person view, but unlike zoo tycoon 2, you can't control him!!! It would be great if you could Control someone in there view and name them what ever you want!!!

Also, they should give us a lot more freedom with the coasters!!! Like making two tracks go into one track, or letting us bend the track into any shaped track that we want, kinda like the game called Disney coaster!!! The track pieces also look kinda unreal!!

They should make more people sounds then just screaming and mumbeling!!

We also have to understand that if they put way to much stuff in the game then it will be long loads, slow, and hard to figure out all the stuff!!! But y'all are right about one thing, a better challenge would include all of these things!! If they do build RCT4, well i hope it will be soon because i can't wait any longer!!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 6/22/09 4:32:52 PM

Actually, you can already name peeps like you want.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by a07sturner at 7/4/09 5:53:20 AM

Thrillville is nothing to do with the roller coaster tycoons!
Its totaly different and works in a different way

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by zmanthecheese at 8/15/09 12:36:33 PM

I think those ideas are all good...

I have rct 2 and 3 and I like 2 more, and play it lots more, for several reasons. The simplicity, real parks, coaster designer, and good interface make a well-rounded game. 3 also has advantages, though. More rides, better graphics, and good camera features (ride the rides, 360 rotation, adjustable zoom) make it cool.

I think that if a new rct is coming out, they should eliminate the addons like zoos (that's what zoo tycoon is for) and add onto the core mechanics- making roller coasters and a theme park. The ride designer should be more adjustable to make different size loops, helixes, drops, etc. and different angles of hill so you can make real and realistic coasters. Cedar point rides are hard to make because they are so new and revolutionary, and the game can't create realistic track designs. I think manouvers like the 95 degree drop and the angled loop should be in the game, too.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 8/24/09 3:50:24 PM

Actually, there is a 95 degree slope, but only on one ride, and I guess this ride doesn't include other tracks pieces that those rides include.
I totally agree, RCT2 had things way better than it is in the 3rd game, like those you said (except that there's still a coaster designer...)
After thinking a lot, I'd say that my proposition of having 4 park types is a bit extreme. I'd make four games instead (which two already exist: Zoo Tycoon and RCT, although the two others already have existing games too, they surely aren't as good as if it was made like RCT). Concentrating on rides is the important part. Sure, we'd keep some water rides, but not pools. Let's keep this for another game. That way, it makes shorter loadings and a lot more I can't think of now.

I've read back the entire topic and listed all (but I might have forgotten some, tell me which ones if so) the propositions we have so far plus some I just have thought of, and have separated the add-ons-related propositions knowing that we'd prefer not keeping those kind of add-ons. Here they are:

- Better Graphics for an even more realistic “High Performance” mode. Make Coasters and Peeps look more realistic and less cartoonish.
- Food Stands that include real restaurants.
- Events that are celebrated by adding decorations (staff will put them).
- Round Paths.
- Split Queue Lines
- Coasters that change tracks (another way than splitting coaster, to make every rider ride the same).
- New transportation type that you can use on footpath.
- Peeps talk with group when wandering or during lift hills in coasters.
- Create a complete Holiday Resort, with Hotels, beaches, chalets, cabins, etc. being in a separate part of the park, but not outside of it. Making it customizable possibly.
- More Sandbox Land.
- More Flexible ride creation*.
- Go back to the previous interface or improve it (in-game menus)
- More Real Parks (Six Flags, Cedar Point, Disney, etc.)
- More Themes.
- More themed stalls and rides
- More plants types.
- More Paths and Park Entrances.
- Choose Park location and add a flag.
- Arcades.
- Parking Lots and City around the park.
- Easy-access Peep-view (without the need of a cheat…).
- Staff members talk, do more realistically their job (ex. Security guards will warning people misbehaving)
- Include scenery in pre-made rides, just like in RCT2.
- Better size proportions.
- Put changing rooms on other places than entrances and make them more realistic.
- Customization and realism of shops, stalls and amenities.
- Entrances and Exits separated, more customizable and more realistic.
- When park gets closed, security guards make people and staff members go home, then they leave and close the gates.
- More pre-made parks, including a lot of real parks.
- Random disasters (ex. Drunk people, dying people, people breaking in the park at night, fire, etc.) happening a very few times, but can be disabled for those who dislike those.
- Conferences when park is closed.
- Flash Passes (to make peeps go faster in rides, but costs money)
- Where the hell do the vomit and trash swept by janitors or already in trash cans go? I’d like to see janitors put trash in a garbage can, put garbage can somewhere near the entrance while being away from peeps so that the garbage truck can come and take out the trash, and the vomit could go there too (where else would you put that? Toilets?)
- Make people use shortcuts in queue lines if it is too much empty (if you’ve got a “U” section, people in the top-left of the “U” can go to the top-right if there’s no one on the top-right side, well, you understand what I mean…)
- Multiple interfaces available, like the 1st/2nd game’s one, the 3rd game’s one and perhaps a new one, available for both menus and quality of graphics in the game (the 3rd game’s and the maybe new one graphics are then customizable).
- Challenges that last one day, but that the time passes really slow, just like in real life, so that it really looks like a real park, but only have a few of these because it’s long to play (~10 hours without accelerating gameplay)
- More colours to choose from (Use a RGB (red = 255,0,0), HSV (red = 0,100,100) or Hex code (red = FF0000)) to use anywhere in your park (or nearly...)

* Flexible ride creation includes:
- More track pieces (“half-helixes” like in a suspended coaster (instead of 180° rotation, it’d make 90°), longer steep-to-flat (hill tops), immelmans, pretzel loops, hammerheads, multi-looper, inverted loops, etc.)
- Customizable track pieces size (shorter slope pieces, customizable-sized loops and other inversions, longer/steeper over-banked turns, helixes, steep-to flat or flat-to-steep pieces (camel backs))
- Customizable angle of slopes.
- More possibilities of track pieces positions (in-line twists in gentle, steep or 90° slopes, loops on steep slopes)

Add-ons ideas (water, zoo, winter...)

- More waterslides and flumes.
- Peeps get soaked and they drip…
— In aqua parks, you could make wave pools instead of adding wave machines in a normal pool. You could still change length and height of the waves.
— Depth of pools could be customized to make places where children would prefer to stay. You might only place diving boards if the pool is deep enough where you want to place it.

— In safari parks, three types would be in: Water, Thrill rides and animals. You might place pools, but you couldn't make big slides and wave pools. On the other hand, you could make things for children.
— In the rides section, you would have only some rides available, like small thrill rides, gentle rides and arcades. People will want to buy tickets a little more to access ride section.
— You'd have almost the same with animals, because, I think, it is already excellent, but you may prefer not to place two or more different animals in the same enclosure.
- Make animals breed slower.
- Force animals to hide when viewing is closed.
- Dinosaurs as real animals…

— In winter parks, chairlifts would be very important. People don't want to climb up a whole mountain by walking on a outside or inside staircase...
— You could customize your own ski slope, adding lots of obstacles and curves to make them harder. When looking at a ski slope stats, you could also check difficulty. People will get experience by doing ski tracks, so they'll want to do harder ones. Expert guests wouldn't do the easiest tracks, so you'd make sure you have easy, medium and hard tracks.
— Not only ski would be available, but also different toboggan rides, with different types of sleds, like crazy carpets.
— Down the hill, you might place other rides, like snowman contests, snowball fights, etc.
— Staff would do different jobs, especially janitors. They won't water gardens or sweep footpaths, they would take a shovel and take out snow in footpaths. You could pay to upgrade your janitor's tool.
— There would be "houses" to rent skis, go to the toilets and pay tickets for chairlift. You could choose the size of them.
— Also, ice rinks will be there. People might rent, buy or bring their own ice skates. You might also create different shapes and types of rinks: Hockey rink, plain rink or track rink. Track rinks are most customizable, while hockey rinks have a strict size. Plain rinks, which are rectangular, could be customizable. Capacity of them would depend on the size of those rinks.
— Winter parks would be open from November to February-March or all year long depending on the temperature of the place where the park is.

That makes a whole bunch of ideas. If we had more ideas that people has sent to other sites, we'd really have enough things to convince Chris Sawyer to make another game, but still some things need more precision: Example: More park entrances : What new park entrances would you like? I also think that some ideas are not my favourites, for example, more plants, because I think there are already a big pack of them. Again, Custom Scenery makes it very nice, and importing every CS to the 4th game would be a real nice point. If there would be one, a RCT4 site could regroup a huge list of Custom Scenery and put them there with the permission of the creators. People would search less on the web, they'd only go on that site, go to the CS section, check the list and download some or use a search engine with categories, themes and sure keywords to make a more precise searching. Example: Category [Fences], Theme [Sci-fi], Keywords [Laser colour fence], which would lead to a laser fence that, differently to the current laser fence, could have different colours using a menu that lets you choose more colours.

Getting a fourth game of RollerCoaster Tycoon gets furthermore realistic as we collect ideas. Also, don't be shy and comment if you wish on all these 41 ideas plus 19 for other park types.

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 8/28/09 1:36:31 PM

Additionally, here's how I'd make the customization of track pieces (construction window layout):

Keep it like it is now. Keep the curves arrows, the angles arrows, the banking circle, the complex track list. Although, there would be complex methods. Each of the ones I said would have a "?" sign. This would open a window that will let you choose exactly the settings you want. For example, for the angle of drop, you'd have a big circle to choose the angle (Grey means you can choose them, black means you can't). Right means flat slope (no slope), to the top means 90° up, to the bottom means 90° down. When you choose an angle, it'd show you how high it'd go (for example, steep slope would be 8 meters). Furthermore, you could make customized camel backs. To do that, simply choose the steepest angle to reach, how long to stay on that angle (in total height, not length, it's easier to count) and the total height of the camel back. The game will do [Total-(angle height)/2] and will take that to make the roundest camel back (so flat would be at 0m and will reach the steepest angle at that number).

As for the curves, we'd keep the arrows as I said, but add a "?" on the right. This would show a window with a resizable grid to let you choose easily how to choose your angle (you choose the start and end point, so you have a custom curve). You could also put "middle points" to makes 180° curves with odd numbers of squares. For example, a tight 180° curve is 2x4 (|_ _| or |¯ ¯|), a medium 180° curve is 3x6, a loose 180° curve is 4x8, and with that you could make the one you want. Even a 3x3 180° curve or a 9x5. It's your choice.

The banking "?" would be in the middle of the circle: There's nothing there right now. Click it and it'd open yet another window. Banking the track will work as for the angle, but the flat will be on the bottom of the big circle instead of on the right.

Custom pieces should stay in the same order in the list (Keep it a list like it is, it's better than a drop-down, I just realized...), just like in RCT1 or 2, and make the name greyed out if you can't do it (but in RCT4 we'll try to grey our tracks as less as possible... XD) Although, you could again click a "?" button somewhere, say on the left of the list, and that would open a window that lets you customize the selected track piece (you could still change track piece with this window open)

If there are missing things, I'll edit another time later.

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by dslite804 at 8/29/09 2:19:00 AM

I think that if/when they do come out with RCT4, they should change a few things.

-First off, take off the height restrictions on the coasters, same with chain lift/launch speed.
-Have more options for the drops, turns, and banking angles. It's hard to make a good re-creation when you're limited on so many things. If they could make it like NoLimits just keep it with the easy coaster builder, it'd be awesome.
-Add more thrill rides. Rides like Spider, Orbiter, Cliff Hanger, Frog Hopper, and lots of other common park rides aren't available.
-Don't let a ride go if somebody is walking through the line. In RCT3 the peeps take FOREVER to walk through the line and the ride goes with like 4 people on it when it could easily have a full load.
-Have actual park accidents, every now and then have an accident that causes somebody to die, so you have to get inspectors to make sure the ride is safe. Just like in a real park (No gruesome deaths to keep it E Rated)
-Have pre-made parks like in RCT2. CedarFair parks (Cedar Point, Valley Fair), PARC Management parks (Elitch Gardens, Wild Waves). Disney (Disneyland, Disneyworld). Just to name a few companies...
-Have certain age restrictions for rides. (Example, to ride the Chaos you must be a Teen or older)

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 8/30/09 10:47:12 AM

> I think that if/when they do come out with RCT4, they
> should change a few things.

> -First off, take off the height restrictions on the
> coasters, same with chain lift/launch speed.
> -Have more options for the drops, turns, and banking
> angles. It's hard to make a good re-creation when you're
> limited on so many things. If they could make it like
> NoLimits just keep it with the easy coaster builder, it'd
> be awesome.
> -Add more thrill rides. Rides like Spider, Orbiter, Cliff
> Hanger, Frog Hopper, and lots of other common park rides
> aren't available.
> -Don't let a ride go if somebody is walking through the
> line. In RCT3 the peeps take FOREVER to walk through the
> line and the ride goes with like 4 people on it when it
> could easily have a full load.
> -Have actual park accidents, every now and then have an
> accident that causes somebody to die, so you have to get
> inspectors to make sure the ride is safe. Just like in a
> real park (No gruesome deaths to keep it E Rated)
> -Have pre-made parks like in RCT2. CedarFair parks (Cedar
> Point, Valley Fair), PARC Management parks (Elitch Gardens,
> Wild Waves). Disney (Disneyland, Disneyworld). Just to name
> a few companies...
> -Have certain age restrictions for rides. (Example, to ride
> the Chaos you must be a Teen or older)

1st: I agree, as long as it costs a lot more than the current limit or the limit they'd have put. A fast chain would increase the ride running cost a lot, but I think the cheats are still sufficient.
2nd: Read my previous post (which I'll edit for more precision)
3rd: I think there are already a lot of flat rides, but if you find some that are not in RCT3 and that could be in RCT4, then post them and identify them (with a photo for example.)
4th: You can already do this when if you set the rides' settings to "Wait for: Full load" and "Max waiting time: (deactivated). Also, as I proposed that peeps could skip lanes in the queue line (like when you do a zigzag, like |¯|_|­¯|_|, but the ¯ being shorter so they can make _____| if there's nobody, or if there are some people, ___|¯|_|, well you understand with all that)
5th: There are already accidents in parks, but no inspectors. Mechanics could go to the ride and verify clearly what happened so we can easily fix the ride. The peeps also should trust the ride after it's been fixed if it has been tested a few times.
6th: Already proposed, but I think you named a few parks I didn't know.
7th: I'd more use height restrictions. People would have set heights (not necessarily different graphics for each centimeter, but still...) and they could ride the rides they are high or small enough (for children's rides). If you want age too, then I'll add it to the list.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by dslite804 at 9/14/09 10:15:40 PM

Here's some links to some rides that aren't there.
(Oh, and also make the rides more realistic. The Pirate Ship should be like it was in RCT2 and the Flying Carpet, Double Swinging Inverter, and many more go way too fast)

(Sorry you may have to copy and paste the URL into your browser..)

Cliff Hanger


Jump and Smile
(Sorry no link)







And I think your "?" idea is a good one. It's very hard to make a re-creation of a coaster only 50 feet tall but has a steep drop.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 9/15/09 6:17:43 PM

I've got one more idea, just a little change:
In the shops, guest information (like Average people per year, total customers), the Total customers section tells the total, but not how many of each product (ex. Standard Burger, 1/4 pound burger, etc.). Doesn't change a lot of things, but could be nice to have.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by dslite804 at 10/4/09 7:12:16 PM

That'd be a good idea. What'd also be cool is if you could have an option to have ride bracelets like they do at some parks. (Example--Free Admission-$20 Ride Bracelets) but you could adjust it however you like.

And to one of your previous posts, Wild Waves and Elitch Gardens are a few very popular parks in the west. If you've heard of Darien Lake, that's owned by the same people.

Re: RCT4 by nato300 at 11/10/09 1:49:55 PM

Actualy the fright night things did come out.Its in the career mode on the rugular campaign (the one with the bear).If you click on it you have to click start new campaign and, it will leed to the parks menu.Click on one of those parks and it will start the game..Oh yah and rct4 has come out it is called thrillville.I played it and its terrible!The graphics suck! You cant make 200mph(maximum) lauching coaster like rct3,when I run it goes really slow rct3 goes a lot faster.The games and coasters where not what I expected too.But these are just my opinions.If you are wondering how I know this please email me at thank you.

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by nato300 at 11/10/09 2:04:34 PM

Actually the last level in regular campaign (the one with bear)it has a real park six flags magic mountain

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by nato300 at 11/10/09 2:07:33 PM

actaual the rides can have twists down. just when you click steep drop add a turn and it will twist down.If im wrong please email me at thank you.

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by nato300 at 11/10/09 2:28:17 PM

Um you can make rides unrealistic.O.K. I will tell you why.I was on my computer one evening when I thought if i put 20 brick walls in front of the 200mph(maximum)coaster it would crash and break but you know what happend. It went right threw the wall!Im not kidding!So after it launched,I looked at the wall if it had a hole in it,there was nothing.So thats how its >unrealistic<.

Atari is gone forever by nato300 at 11/10/09 7:55:23 PM

A couple of days ago I was on the computer and i typed in is atari going out of buisness? and i clicked on and you will see what happens next.Please click on the button

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 11/11/09 5:32:03 PM

1° Try not to post five times in line, edit more instead.
2° Did you read before posting? The first post says perfectly that the supposed RCT4 is Thrillville, and other comments say it's not, and that's what I actually think. Thrillville is completely different.
3° Try to write readable words XD.
4° Atari is not going out of business, I am certain.
5° I agree that collision detection isn't perfect in RCT3, but in RCT2 it was flawless. If only RCT4 would have a mix of both...

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by nato300 at 11/26/09 3:34:53 PM

forget this guy on top of me!
i also che
cked on the website

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 12/12/09 10:54:56 AM

Please be polite. If you disagree with me, at least tell your opinion.
I checked the website and found nothing pertinent about games.

While posting, I'll add another proposition: When people buy in-ride photos, do they get it at ride exit? I'd make it a separate stall, because I have seen this for the Goliath at La Ronde, Montreal, QC, Canada. When you left the ride and went to another ride or back in queue to do it again, the stall showed the pictures on a screen and you could decide what picture you wanted to buy.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by vivaladan009 at 3/6/10 3:50:14 AM

I want a story mode, starting from the year 1900 and having only the basic designs for rides, and moving up through the years, over time being able to add small loops and higher drops, until we pass modern day where many designs and types of rides are possible.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by jrcholo12 at 4/3/10 2:31:21 AM

What i think should be rct4

-more realistic quene lenghts (like at six flags it takes about 45-1 hour to get on a ride)

-No limits roller coaster disigner to build roller coasters

-Able to make your own shops and restaurants

-real restaurants like KFC McDonalds Wendys ect.

-peeps do more than just cheering screaming and mumbling

-able to make resorts

-some six flags parks should be already re-created

-the security can lock up the park and tell the employies to go home

-When the lines are a little empty we can shorten the quene with chain links

-more varitity in plant life

-lakes, ponds, oceans with fish

-sandbox land should be a whole lot bigger is were going to use no limits roller coaster disigner

-wind affects( if a ride like king da ka passes by the trees should move in the same direction with the train)

-holiday decorations

-a crap load of coustom sceanery

-more element parts

-When ever you build a roller coaster there can be a construction site were you can see workers build and paint the ride

-There should be a city around the park area


-make the bodies of water have ripples and waves in the water

-make peeps more realistice

-make cruved paths

-Definatly flash passes

-you can play as a person and walk around the park going on the rides and able to control the person

-let peeps come in and out the parking lot with there cars rather than just appearing and dissapearing

-i want a story mode of how your sucsessful park became a sucsess starting from the 1900

-u sould be able to make custom supports

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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by tmt345 at 4/3/10 3:51:19 PM

> Ok lets put these so called tales to rest. I cant tell you
> if we are bringing RCT4 in or not Im sworn by law to keep
> all production matters a secret.

> RCT3 was a awesome title and still is from what can see.
> Its brought Roller Coaster Tycoon to a entire new level. So
> as for it dying out and going to PSP , Xbox , and
> Playstations not true at all.

> Thrillville is a entirely diffrent type of game. All though
> Frontier has produced doesnt mean Roller Coaster Tycoon is
> doomed.

> Chris Sayer owns rigths to the game and desides rather or
> no who helps produce it. Only he desides along with CEO's
> of Frontier and Atari, but what I can share is that they
> are still workin together.

> As for Atari in trouble and having losses? Please thats
> like saying Donald Trump cant afford a Hotel. Atari is
> running strong and soon will be running stronger then ever.
> We have many new titles coming out in Fall of 2008 and for
> Spring of 2009. So Atari isnt fading anywhere fast.

> Thanks everyone and enjoy the gaming life "Game
> on"

> Richard Caudell


can you PLEASE share here whether its in development or going to be?! you have no idea how many people would greatly appreciate to just know whether if its coming or not.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by tmt345 at 4/3/10 6:13:12 PM


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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by tmt345 at 4/3/10 6:22:03 PM


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Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by benji at 6/4/10 11:33:40 PM

If they DO make a RCT4, I hope they let you use different languages. I want to make my whole park Japanese! They should also make more challenges, room,faster scripts,ect.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Jumbo-Jet Jumbo-Jet Profile at 6/17/10 11:54:28 AM

I would like to see:
More theming (like in RCT2) such as Asian/Pagoda, Egyptian, Classical/Roman, 1960's/Psychedelic/"Woodstock", Rock 'N' Roll, Future and Martian.
More degrees of drop steepness and curve banking on coasters.
Pre-built "portable" coasters such as (SDC) Galaxi, (Pinfari) Zyklon, (Schwarzkopf) Wildcat, Jet-Star, etc..
Old style cars for Wild Mouse coasters (mouse/torpedo-shaped cars with 2 person capacity).
More food stalls (tacos, corn dogs, funnel cakes, fudge, Chinese/Asian food).

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Lilsean995 at 6/24/10 6:33:07 PM

idk if anyone said. but i guess this would be a scenery add, but the steps and rail along the track on the lift, and brake sections. and a actual station not an open track. and jus one more to make it realistic, wen u test a ride, have test dummys to calculate data instead of it jus doing it automatically

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by DefoesRightBoot at 6/26/10 4:18:22 PM

My main issue with RTC3 is the size of the base squares, which are not only the size of a basic track piece, but also the size of a path, the size of most plants and trees, the size of most scenery items and also the size of all shops/food and drink outlets. That gives the game a very square look.

If this was massively decreased, and each individual item had a better footprint, it could make a huge difference to the game (would allow paths to be curved, and positioned much better, would allow much more realistically sized stalls and stores etc.)

Also I'd like to see a lot more midway games - you go to any amusement park (particularly in the US but also in other countries) and you can't walk 20 yards without a couple of chances to win a massive cuddly toy or a basketball!

Finally I'd like to see, whenever you build something (be it a ride, swimming pool and flumes, stores or whatever) you see it as the footprint as in RCT3 but then once you've got it all set up how you want you hit a "Confirm Build" or similar button, and then you see the workmen building everything. Peeps wouldn't see anything there until you hit "Confirm" but then there'd be speculation about what you're building etc.

And whoever had the idea of a "story mode" starting in 1900, that is brilliant and MUST be included in any future RCT game.

Seriously hope that RCT4 is being made, it's what, 6 years now since RCT3 and the technology increases since then mean it could be made to be absolutely genious!

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by tmjomo at 6/26/10 10:38:51 PM

my mouse pointer doesnt show up when i try to play and i cant do anything. anyone know why?

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by coastermom12 at 6/27/10 8:44:12 AM

thrillville pretty much sucks i have it for ps2 and its no fun. they should actually make rct4, like the same as rct3 but with better graphics and new rides. thrillville is cheap.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by fredg999 at 7/16/10 4:32:00 PM

I have been following this for long and just came back after a while noticing many new posts. Good thing this is still alive!

A few things that came frequently were things that actually were in the previous titles of the series, such as scenery. Other ideas were without doubt already proposed, but still fine to write them as it brings back sometimes forgotten ideas.
So, here are some basic comments:
1. Language change: I agree this could work, just handling chinese/japanese/etc. kind of characters will make it work, and same for other characters not found in English (though I think some diacritics are available, such as "é" and "à").
2. More challenges/room, faster scripts: I agree with all that, but faster script can be hard to do at times without compromising other things.
3. More theming/scenery: Some mentioned must come from RCT2 and I agree I would like to see them back. I do not put scenery often because I sometimes have difficulty with using it (see "More Ides" part below).
4. More bankings and slopes: Indeed, a needed feature. More transitions would be nice too (longer flat-to-gentle, for example). Having banking gaps of 45° make it hard to choose at some speeds if you have either 0° or 45°, because having 45° might make a big lateral G occur. Same thing for the slopes.
5. I don't exactly understand what you mean with "portable" rides.
6. Old-style cars: They should be appealing enough to be used, such as exciting boost (as seen in RCT2 for some car types).
7. Food Stalls: One of the most often asked questions, but nice to see you didn't insist on trademarked companies like many other :P
8. Ride scenery: Good idea.
9. Ride dummies: I agree totally with that, knowing that the quantity of passengers can affect the statistics. Maybe deciding how many dummies seat in testing could be nice to see if the trains/cars can do it without problem if empty and/or full.
10. Tiles: In RCT3, a square is 4m x 4m (That's about 13 feet x 13 feet). I feel it okay to stay tiled, unless you'd just get stuck because the track is too complex and you can't come back to the station. However, having smaller tiles like 1m x 1m (About 3,25 feet) would seem of course better for precision, and it's true that not all would be the same multipliers of 4. Plus, just take the map size to calculate directly the map area in m² :) There would sure be more things like that that would improve, like scenery (no more quarter tiles!).
11. Midway games: These must be arcade games, and there are sometimes more than rides at all! This is indeed needed.
12. Ride preview and build: Indeed. I can't stand the fact that the ride is built within seconds.
13. I also agree on the Story mode starting in 1900!

More Ideas:

I think the way the scenery works is a bit itchy. First, as for nearly everything, not all tiles can be hovered on because of their height compared to others, among some problems. I think there should be a sky view that would allow you to see the park from a flat view from the sky. All tiles would be available to select. You could toggle this with a button somewhere and perhaps an unused hotkey, say Ctrl? Or Alt?
Secondly, I think the way walls worked in previous games was better, because you could put a wall between two footpath trails, then take of the wall and have a nice thing for rest areas. Now that it doesn't work like this, I need to make it work another way out.
Thirdly, I think that sometimes the scenery is hard to make it fit. I once wanted to make a roofed slope into the underground, but I couldn't find appropriate roofing, so I had to make a 45° roof with a 22,5° slope...
Last of all, I don't think the scenery affects nearby rides, but it might just be me. I think some scary theming should bring up intensity too. Candy theming might bring it down :P

Well, after all that, I might just stop and see what other people write here and comment again, because that's a game I'm waiting for since a while. RCT3 isn't a bad game though, that's one sure thing. I don't know if some of you read back before posting, because I think that would activate the topic a bit.

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by skeetch at 8/2/10 12:10:59 PM

Hi Guys I sent the following e-mail to frontier (will update with their reply):


I want to write you an e-mail telling you how many people are interested in seeing one of these sequels made (preferably RCT4) but I think I’ll let you see for yourself on just one of the MANY forum threads devoted to this issue:

The most recent update on the thread linked above - July 16, 2010 – lists some of the communities ideas for updates to RCT3:

--Begin Form Copy --

“So, here are some basic comments:
1. Language change: I agree this could work, just handling chinese/japanese/etc. kind of characters will make it work, and same for other characters not found in English (though I think some diacritics are available, such as "é" and "à").
2. More challenges/room, faster scripts: I agree with all that, but faster script can be hard to do at times without compromising other things.
3. More theming/scenery: Some mentioned must come from RCT2 and I agree I would like to see them back. I do not put scenery often because I sometimes have difficulty with using it (see "More Ides" part below).
4. More bankings and slopes: Indeed, a needed feature. More transitions would be nice too (longer flat-to-gentle, for example). Having banking gaps of 45° make it hard to choose at some speeds if you have either 0° or 45°, because having 45° might make a big lateral G occur. Same thing for the slopes.
5. I don't exactly understand what you mean with "portable" rides.
6. Old-style cars: They should be appealing enough to be used, such as exciting boost (as seen in RCT2 for some car types).
7. Food Stalls: One of the most often asked questions, but nice to see you didn't insist on trademarked companies like many other :P
8. Ride scenery: Good idea.
9. Ride dummies: I agree totally with that, knowing that the quantity of passengers can affect the statistics. Maybe deciding how many dummies seat in testing could be nice to see if the trains/cars can do it without problem if empty and/or full.
10. Tiles: In RCT3, a square is 4m x 4m (That's about 13 feet x 13 feet). I feel it okay to stay tiled, unless you'd just get stuck because the track is too complex and you can't come back to the station. However, having smaller tiles like 1m x 1m (About 3,25 feet) would seem of course better for precision, and it's true that not all would be the same multipliers of 4. Plus, just take the map size to calculate directly the map area in m² :) There would sure be more things like that that would improve, like scenery (no more quarter tiles!).
11. Midway games: These must be arcade games, and there are sometimes more than rides at all! This is indeed needed.
12. Ride preview and build: Indeed. I can't stand the fact that the ride is built within seconds.
13. I also agree on the Story mode starting in 1900!

More Ideas:

I think the way the scenery works is a bit itchy. First, as for nearly everything, not all tiles can be hovered on because of their height compared to others, among some problems. I think there should be a sky view that would allow you to see the park from a flat view from the sky. All tiles would be available to select. You could toggle this with a button somewhere and perhaps an unused hotkey, say Ctrl? Or Alt?
Secondly, I think the way walls worked in previous games was better, because you could put a wall between two footpath trails, then take of the wall and have a nice thing for rest areas. Now that it doesn't work like this, I need to make it work another way out.
Thirdly, I think that sometimes the scenery is hard to make it fit. I once wanted to make a roofed slope into the underground, but I couldn't find appropriate roofing, so I had to make a 45° roof with a 22,5° slope...
Last of all, I don't think the scenery affects nearby rides, but it might just be me. I think some scary theming should bring up intensity too. Candy theming might bring it down :P”

-- End Forum Copy –

If you do insist on making another thrillville you NEED to make it more customizable; the attraction of these games is not just the ability to make a custom roller coaster but also scenery and theme park setup.

We are all aware of chris sawyer’s departure from the project but understand that a group as talented as yourselves could easily develop a game of the same quality as RCT without needing to retain the name.

So, PLEASE give us something more up to date to waste our lives on!!


Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Jart at 8/17/10 11:52:00 AM

Need I say more? xD

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by Tuxley at 8/31/10 3:55:14 PM

no that is not i have some things to say
1 i hope our wishes about rct4 come true
2 go to a different discussion fourm because this one has been going on for 4 years and its way to long
and 3 why dosent somone just make a site based on rct4? Like seriously think people!!!!!!

Re: RCT4 by rollercoasterfreak1 at 4/3/11 4:56:56 PM

do you even have the game it looks way diffrent

Re: RCT4 by con123456789101112 at 4/16/11 10:49:29 AM

look on youtube there is lots of videos

Re: RCT4 by dubitmusik44 at 9/26/11 2:42:08 AM

Thing is, Thrillville has been around as long as the RCT franchise has. The quality is really poor and in my opinion (as with many others) can not even compare. The first version came out on PS2 a long while back and most likely will keep producing more versions. Even if Atari goes under, there will be other gaming companies that will come out with better softwares. Bottom line is that Thrillville can suck my left nut :)

Re: RCT4 RollerCoaster Tycoon 4 by shinorama at 4/1/12 6:49:58 AM
Ok, ive read alot of peoples ideas all of which ideas relate to each other. Of course i like to see all this - but what you have to think of in all - is the computer as well as disc/ cd all this data you want to go on. The RCT games that have come out may have hard to navigate interface, poor design of peeps. But that might be due to the limited space they could put on. The ideas of realism have to be thought that a computer will need high graphics cards in turn meaning that the cost goes up to get a computer/latop strong enough to pruduce what you like in a game. Im not rich - i would be dissapointed if a very high spec RCT game came out on a computer i cant afford for many yrs. I like playing them as much as all of you. Keep the ideas rolling though there might be a way around all of it so we can enjoy the gaming experiance.