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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > solutions regarding messages about acess violation errors

solutions regarding messages about acess violation errors

Posted: 6/9/06 at 2:44:52 PM
Views: 2573

There are a number of things that may or may not cause this problem and a number of fixes that may or may not fix the problem depending on the circumstances for XP and 2000 computers.
First solution - right click on game icon, choose properties,
pick compatibility tab, put check mark in run program in compatibilty mode, pick set mode for win98/me,
check box run in 256 colors, check box run in 640x486 screen resolution , check box disable visual themes, remove checkmark on input settings.
(In most cases only the compatibilty mode will have to be changed}.

There are patches and help available for RCT1 at

There are patches and help available for RCT2 at

There are issues regarding various versions and the country of their origin . and any expansions (like corkscrew follies) ,so you have to be sure to get the right patches.

And finally in some cases this error could mean you need to update your sound and or graphic drivers.

Hope that helps.