Soaked extension pack need help
i need help about building rides in the ''soaked extension set'' any water rides i have no problem building the rides itself its when it comes to the entrance or how to get people to actually GET into the ride
it never works !!, some of the ride need to be completed as the normal coaster ride (full circuit) and some can end into rivers or pool, i dont know when is what ?, and i cant figure out the mix of path or entrance to put, the line seems to be breaking ??!
for exemple:
i build a 6 X 6 Pool tile platform, add a change room next to it plus (flat board kind of ) entrance, then a very high spiral staircase, the another 6X6 pool tile platform, then i started building my SLIDE next to that platform, dumped it into the river, even on coaster cam everything looks fine, i open the ride, but NOBODY tries it !!!, and in my financial plan it looks like its only costing me , what am i doing wrong ??