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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > yea me too

yea me too

Posted: 3/9/06 at 11:35:42 PM
Views: 2127

omg me to >:( i tried and i tried and i tried and still says wrong cd. whats with that? omg is like saoked a hack for terrorists global wide to hack our computers to take our sh*t?
plz plz plzplz reply we need to know

Re: yea me too by andrew_alli at 5/31/06 1:11:07 PM

> omg me to >:( i tried and i tried and i tried and still
> says wrong cd. whats with that? omg is like saoked a hack
> for terrorists global wide to hack our computers to take
> our sh*t?
> plz plz plzplz reply we need to know

That haped to me to. After hours of uninstalling and reinstalling it worked. It might be your hardware.
