rct3 soaked~keeps saying "wronge disk"?????
Posted: 2/25/06 at 8:22:24 PM
Views: 3491
i downloaded rolercoaster tycoon and the expansion soaked. but evrytime i go to start it ill put in the rct3 disk and it says pllese insert rct3 disk. so i tried putting in the soaked cd but it still said pleese insert rct3 disk so i did again and it keeps popping up and saying that. does anyone know how to fix this? or am i doing sumthing wronge=S
Re: rct3 soaked~keeps saying "wronge disk"????? by
velvet at 8/2/07 5:46:14 AM
download No-CD RCT3.exe from http://www.wiretarget.com/games/pc_rollercoaster_tycoon_3.shtml