Trouble loading Tycoon 3
I am having trouble downloading Tycoon3. Part way into the download it stops and tells me there is a component transfer error. I have tried turing off my virus scan but this does not work either. Any suggestions. I am dying to play this game. Thanks
GO TO THE STORE AND BUY IT!!! ..sry but downloads rarely work 100%, it's not that expinsive anyway and it's wayyyyy worth it but make sure u have a strong enough video card, good luck!
> I am having trouble downloading Tycoon3. Part way into the
> download it stops and tells me there is a component
> transfer error. I have tried turing off my virus scan but
> this does not work either. Any suggestions. I am dying to
> play this game. Thanks
I have the same problem!!! Have you found out how to fix it yet? =(