No Limits Simulator
I bought the No Limits Simulator today bc I finally took the time to learn the cad design program included in the demo, and it is AMAZING.
First of all, the detail is much better than that of RCT3 (which I also have). More importantly, you can make much more realistic models of existing rides, as well as make much more exciting creative rides. The only downside is that it has only 18 types of coasters (whereas RCT has many more)... however, some designs are combined (ie you can use "giga" to build a giga, or a launch strata, whereas they are 2 separate types in RCT) so its not a problem.
You should try it out, it is great. Make sure you take some time to learn the cad system in the demo before you even consider buying it though, bc it takes a lot of practice before you get half decent.
If you try and it and want to build your skills and buy the program, you can ask me questions if you run into snags in the design process along the way.
PS: I just built "Son of Beast" and it is dead on. You can even manipulate the supports of the structure, the land surrounding it, the strenght of the brakes, just about everything! In my opinion, this roller coaster designer gets an 11 out of 10!
> I bought the No Limits Simulator today bc I finally took
> the time to learn the cad design program included in the
> demo, and it is AMAZING.
> First of all, the detail is much better than that of RCT3
> (which I also have). More importantly, you can make much
> more realistic models of existing rides, as well as make
> much more exciting creative rides. The only downside is
> that it has only 18 types of coasters (whereas RCT has many
> more)... however, some designs are combined (ie you can use
> "giga" to build a giga, or a launch strata,
> whereas they are 2 separate types in RCT) so its not a
> problem.
> You should try it out, it is great. Make sure you take some
> time to learn the cad system in the demo before you even
> consider buying it though, bc it takes a lot of practice
> before you get half decent.
> If you try and it and want to build your skills and buy the
> program, you can ask me questions if you run into snags in
> the design process along the way.
> PS: I just built "Son of Beast" and it is dead
> on. You can even manipulate the supports of the structure,
> the land surrounding it, the strenght of the brakes, just
> about everything! In my opinion, this roller coaster
> designer gets an 11 out of 10!
Were do you get that?
> I bought the No Limits Simulator today bc I finally took
> the time to learn the cad design program included in the
> demo, and it is AMAZING.
> > Were do you get that?
Don't even think about buying it if you haven't downloaded the demo first. Ride the included rides to get an idea of what the simulator is like, then try to make a simple ride using the design program. You can't actually ride what you design in the nice simulator, but you can actually ride it in the CAD design program (in wireframe). If you are confused with the design program initially (which I'm sure you will be, it's really hard- if not impossible- to understand) read the guide on the website. Then have fun. I've already recreated Son of Beast and Top Thrill Dragster (including a variation which includes an occassional roll-back :-P), and I'm currently worked on a 465 ft Intamin giga with a Millenium Style first drop, followed by lots of overbanked turns, inverted helixes, large helixes, lots of airtime. This program will consume your life rather quickly if you are like me and exhibit small capacity for self control and a huge love of roller coasters. I hope you enjoy it is much as I do.
> I bought the No Limits Simulator today bc I finally took
> the time to learn the cad design program included in the
> demo, and it is AMAZING.
> > Were do you get that?
> Don't even think about
> buying it if you haven't downloaded the demo first. Ride
> the included rides to get an idea of what the simulator is
> like, then try to make a simple ride using the design
> program. You can't actually ride what you design in the
> nice simulator, but you can actually ride it in the CAD
> design program (in wireframe). If you are confused with the
> design program initially (which I'm sure you will be, it's
> really hard- if not impossible- to understand) read the
> guide on the website. Then have fun. I've already recreated
> Son of Beast and Top Thrill Dragster (including a variation
> which includes an occassional roll-back :-P), and I'm
> currently worked on a 465 ft Intamin giga with a Millenium
> Style first drop, followed by lots of overbanked turns,
> inverted helixes, large helixes, lots of airtime. This
> program will consume your life rather quickly if you are
> like me and exhibit small capacity for self control and a
> huge love of roller coasters. I hope you enjoy it is much
> as I do.
Thanks. and i am used to rct2
> Thanks. and i am used to rct2
The design program is nothing like rct2. Much much more difficult. Let me know how you like it if you try it out.
> I just bought No Limits and am really enjoying it so far. However, I am puzzled as to how to construct a loop. Is there any easier way to do it?
where do i get it!?!?
I wanted to try the demo, but after an hour of downloading it said"Detected no 3d software. RCT3 works fine though.