Hello, hello...
I've got Rct 2. I rekon it's the best game in the world.
Anyways...I've had it for lke 3 years but I'm running into some problems.
When I do certain things like...Right click on boost hills or scan over track or double right click etc...a sign is popping up saying..."ERROR TRAPPER...EXEPTION RAISED-ACCESS VIOLATION...ERROR LOCATION: UNKNOWN"
Once this happens you can either click on the "OK" box on the X (exit sign on the box). Click on either and the whole program shuts down taking all un-saved data with it. Needless to say this has caused some anger! Does this happen to anyone else?
I have windows xp on this computer so I think it's that because before we got XP this wasn't happening.
Please help!
ps. I lost 3 years worth of work on rct2! PAIN! I'm now starting from's a painfull proccess because you can't remember how you made all the cool coasters!
(sympathy vote).
i have the orignal and that happend to me but i had disply in window in stead of full screen try putting it in full screen if you havent all ready hope it helps!
> Hello, hello...
> I've got Rct 2. I rekon it's the best game in the world.
> Anyways...I've had it for lke 3 years but I'm running into
> some problems.
> When I do certain things like...Right click on boost hills
> or scan over track or double right click etc...a sign is
> popping up saying..."ERROR TRAPPER...EXEPTION
> Once this happens you can either click on the
> "OK" box on the X (exit sign on the box). Click
> on either and the whole program shuts down taking all
> un-saved data with it. Needless to say this has caused some
> anger! Does this happen to anyone else?
> I have windows xp on this computer so I think it's that
> because before we got XP this wasn't happening.
> Please help!
> ry.
> ps. I lost 3 years worth of work on rct2! PAIN! I'm now
> starting from's a painfull proccess because
> you can't remember how you made all the cool coasters!
> (sympathy vote).
This is happening to me to. I also play on the XP platform.
I have created this amazing perfectly working park and I got this error and it immediately exits the game. I am so bummed about it. If anyone can help I'd like to know how.
This game is very addicting. I have found so many issues, but this one is the worst so far! Is there a patch yet? I have added alot of object data files recently and I wonder if thats part of the problem. Unfortunatley I can't clean out any of the installed files without more problems like not being able to load the game completely. I can't uninstall the game or reinstall it successfully so I can start over. This is all so frustrating isn't it?
> Hello, hello...
> I've got Rct 2. I rekon it's the best game in the world.
> Anyways...I've had it for lke 3 years but I'm running into
> some problems.
> When I do certain things like...Right click on boost hills
> or scan over track or double right click etc...a sign is
> popping up saying..."ERROR TRAPPER...EXEPTION
> Once this happens you can either click on the
> "OK" box on the X (exit sign on the box). Click
> on either and the whole program shuts down taking all
> un-saved data with it. Needless to say this has caused some
> anger! Does this happen to anyone else?
> I have windows xp on this computer so I think it's that
> because before we got XP this wasn't happening.
> Please help!
> ry.
> ps. I lost 3 years worth of work on rct2! PAIN! I'm now
> starting from's a painfull proccess because
> you can't remember how you made all the cool coasters!
> (sympathy vote).
you need to chec the botm of the compuer and if it is hot save and wait for it to cool and get on the compuer
> Hello, hello...
> I've got Rct 2. I rekon it's the best game in the world.
> Anyways...I've had it for lke 3 years but I'm running into
> some problems.
> When I do certain things like...Right click on boost hills
> or scan over track or double right click etc...a sign is
> popping up saying..."ERROR TRAPPER...EXEPTION
> Once this happens you can either click on the
> "OK" box on the X (exit sign on the box). Click
> on either and the whole program shuts down taking all
> un-saved data with it. Needless to say this has caused some
> anger! Does this happen to anyone else?
> I have windows xp on this computer so I think it's that
> because before we got XP this wasn't happening.
> Please help!
> ry.
> ps. I lost 3 years worth of work on rct2! PAIN! I'm now
> starting from's a painfull proccess because
> you can't remember how you made all the cool coasters!
> (sympathy vote).
tommyer: you miet need to check the botum of the compuer and if it is hot thin you need to save the game and qiet.