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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > Poltergeist-style coasters...

Poltergeist-style coasters...

Posted: 10/12/99 at 9:54:08 AM
Views: 1360

Has anyone tried building a Poltergeist-like coaster? You know, a launched coaster with a "spaghetti bowl" of twists and inversions... I've been building alot of them lately, and I love them. My latest one has 9 inversions, 3500' of track, with about a 6.4 Excitement and 10.06 Intensity ratings. I've built about 5 different ones in different parks lately, and I think they've become my favorites to build.

Re: Poltergeist-style coasters... by GR8 Ump at 10/12/99 8:31:03 PM

: Has anyone tried building a Poltergeist-like
: coaster? You know, a launched coaster with a
: "spaghetti bowl" of twists and
: inversions... I've been building alot of
: them lately, and I love them. My latest one
: has 9 inversions, 3500' of track, with about
: a 6.4 Excitement and 10.06 Intensity
: ratings. I've built about 5 different ones
: in different parks lately, and I think
: they've become my favorites to build.
Thats funny u ask, I built my first one today. I couldnt get the intenisty below a 10.45. I have tried adding brakes galore and lettinh only small trains go through compared to large ones and it just wont go below a 10!

Re: Poltergeist-style coasters... by Skylark at 10/13/99 1:00:08 PM

: Has anyone tried building a Poltergeist-like
: coaster? You know, a launched coaster with a
: "spaghetti bowl" of twists and
: inversions... I've been building alot of
: them lately, and I love them. My latest one
: has 9 inversions, 3500' of track, with about
: a 6.4 Excitement and 10.06 Intensity
: ratings. I've built about 5 different ones
: in different parks lately, and I think
: they've become my favorites to build.
I have some kick butt coasters like you - if oyu want to check them out, email me. I have gotten some of them down below intensity of 9! I have an awesome inverted (Z-Force Returns) that inverts 5 times but is confined to about 20x10 saquares! Also have a cool steel, corkscrew, and another inverted. Let me know!