Are you a traditionalist?
I have to admit that I am a traditionalist when it comes to naming rides on RCT.
I have to rename the Merry-Go-Round to Carousel. I also have to rename Scrambled Eggs to Scrambler. I know it seems petty but itdrives me bersek. Is there anyone else that is the same way or do I need so serious therapy?
You don't need therapy. You're just normal. I do the same thing. I have many uninspired names for rides; Go-Karts, Observation Tower, Haunted House, Super Slide, etc. I'm not good at coming up with names. Most of my coaster names I pull from the real coasters I know.
: I have to admit that I am a traditionalist when
: it comes to naming rides on RCT. I have to
: rename the Merry-Go-Round to Carousel. I
: also have to rename Scrambled Eggs to
: Scrambler. I know it seems petty but
: itdrives me bersek. Is there anyone else
: that is the same way or do I need so serious
: therapy?
I am the same as you...I rename Scrambled Eggs to
either Scrambler, Sizzler, or Merry Mixer. I
usually stick with Merry-Go-Round, but I sometimes
rename it Carousel, or Grand Carousel, since
either name is used by most parks.
: You don't need therapy. You're just normal. I
: do the same thing. I have many uninspired
: names for rides; Go-Karts, Observation
: Tower, Haunted House, Super Slide, etc. I'm
: not good at coming up with names. Most of my
: coaster names I pull from the real coasters
: I know.
Merry-Go-Round is just the British term for carousel. I usually call mine Golden Gallopers, after a well known travelling carousel in the UK. In the UK pack, Scrambled Eggs is called a Twister, I call it Mister Twister, quite often, or sometimes Sister Twister. The slide I rename to Helter Skelter, but I'm a lot more adventurous with my other rides, I call them different things according to the park, but the haunted house usually ends up as Marilyn Mansion...
I usually leave the Merry Go Round name alone (or at least get rid of the number), but nothing else stays the same.
Scrambled Eggs: Scrambler
Gravitron: Top Spin
Whoa Belly (how dumb is that?): Space Shot
Swinging Ship: Sea Dragon
Inverted ^^: Inverter, or Ranger
(try putting 2 of these back to back for a cool effect. I do and call them Kamakazis)
: I have to admit that I am a traditionalist when
: it comes to naming rides on RCT. I have to
: rename the Merry-Go-Round to Carousel. I
: also have to rename Scrambled Eggs to
: Scrambler. I know it seems petty but
: itdrives me bersek. Is there anyone else
: that is the same way or do I need so serious
: therapy?
Marilyn Mansion!!! That's hilarious!!! I love it!! You crack me up!!!