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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > Olympia Looping

Olympia Looping

Posted: 10/8/99 at 9:08:16 AM
Views: 1506

I've had a go at recreating Schwarzkopf's last travelling masterpiece, Olympia Looping (one of my fave steelies!). Obviously I couldn't replicate things like the curved lift hill, the huge first loop and the colour scheme, plus I've taken a few liberties elsewhere to get it running right, but the result works. Excitement is 6.51, intensity 9.01 and nausea 4.21.

If you want it, holler!


Re: Gimme gimme gimme! by CoastaPlaya at 10/13/99 12:04:16 PM

: I've had a go at recreating Schwarzkopf's last
: travelling masterpiece, Olympia Looping (one
: of my fave steelies!). Obviously I couldn't
: replicate things like the curved lift hill,
: the huge first loop and the colour scheme,
: plus I've taken a few liberties elsewhere to
: get it running right, but the result works.
: Excitement is 6.51, intensity 9.01 and
: nausea 4.21. If you want it, holler! Cal

Can you send me any pix of the coaster, too?
Email at my address above.
