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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Roller Coaster Games > Park Value?

Park Value?

Posted: 9/11/99 at 6:37:07 PM
Views: 2395

I have yet to concquer the park value scenerios. For any of you who have passed Diamond Point and Tiny Park, what are some ways to improve the park while also raising the park value?


Re: Park Value? by imaki at 9/11/99 7:04:31 PM

To raise the park value, build lots of rides. The more rides, the better park value. If you see your park value dropping, add some new rides.

For tiny park be sure to buy up some of the available land - then expand across (or under) the road.

Re: Park Value? by Natas at 9/11/99 9:03:30 PM

: To raise the park value, build lots of rides.
: The more rides, the better park value. If
: you see your park value dropping, add some
: new rides. For tiny park be sure to buy up
: some of the available land - then expand
: across (or under) the road.

Just run it like a smart business. Don't try to start out building a huge, expensive roller coaster. You may run out of money and not be able to recoup it to finish the ride. Start out with a small roller coaster, and when that makes you enough of a profit move on. Plus, put in as many of the flat rides as possible. They will help to bring up the park value.


Re: Park Value? by Cal at 9/13/99 7:39:02 AM

Just run it like a smart business. Don't try to
: start out building a huge, expensive roller
: coaster. You may run out of money and not be
: able to recoup it to finish the ride. Start
: out with a small roller coaster, and when
: that makes you enough of a profit move on.
: Plus, put in as many of the flat rides as
: possible. They will help to bring up the
: park value. Natas

For Pokey Park (I assume that's what you mean by tiny park - is it called that in the US?) I demolish a lot of the rides, level some of the land and build my rides close together. I've won this without buying more land over the road, by building a small underground woodie, a small single drop log flume, and researching mostly thrill rides rather than coasters which don't fit!
Diamond Heights gets a lot of vandalism so initially I put in lots of handymen, a few security guards and entertainers to keep punters happy so they don't vandalise.
I also built a woodie in the lake, go-karts running in and out of it, a rapids ride and lots of flat rides. Eventually I build an inverter. Keeping the vandalism down is the key to this one.


Re: Quick Park Value Cheats by CoastaPlaya at 9/14/99 12:20:24 PM

: I have yet to concquer the park value
: scenerios. For any of you who have passed
: Diamond Point and Tiny Park, what are some
: ways to improve the park while also raising
: the park value? -sparky

-Demolish and rebuild your spin-and-spues exactly where they were in the last few months of that critical last year. Brings up the value without much work. In many cases, you can set the ride price back up to original levels, too.

-Save your track design, then demolish and rebuild your coasters in the last year -- as long as they don't have tunnels. Same principle applies.

Cal's right about Tiny Park - I beat it with spin-and-spues, a small flume, a shuttle loop and a mini-steelie in reverse incline mode without buying any additional land. If you're still having a hard time close to the scenario end, you can always throw up a tall, but simple woodie out-and-back across the street.
