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- I don't get Survivor
by Raptor Timmy on 10/30/01 at 4:39:57 PM - 1637
- 4
- from Pantera Psycho on 11/1/01 at 1:10:17 AM
- U2 Continental Arena Riview 10/28
by comet3506 on 10/31/01 at 12:52:55 AM - 1755
- 0
- No Replies
- Kinda coaster related . . . kinda not
by gracie_0801 on 10/23/01 at 11:51:57 PM - 1733
- 2
- from allenki72 on 10/30/01 at 8:53:45 PM
- D-backs or Yankees???
by Johnny Mnemonic on 10/24/01 at 12:54:43 PM - 1851
- 5
- from gracie_0801 on 10/30/01 at 8:50:44 PM
- NBA Season Predictions!!! (It's never too early!) by Chisox2k1 on 10/16/01 at 6:19:02 PM
- 2393
- 6
- from coasters4life on 10/30/01 at 5:02:14 PM
- Ray's 5 Favorite Vegas Eateries
by ray p on 10/18/01 at 2:50:49 PM - 1854
- 2
- from coasters4life on 10/30/01 at 4:53:41 PM
- check this out
by jre31 on 10/30/01 at 12:50:53 PM - 1596
- 0
- No Replies
- computer question
by Indiana Jones on 10/25/01 at 12:18:11 PM - 1629
- 2
- from Eric Gieszl on 10/28/01 at 4:25:55 AM
- My thoughts on this past year and so...
by allenki72 on 10/25/01 at 8:43:20 PM - 2467
- 2
- from allenki72 on 10/27/01 at 7:53:33 PM
- Will this reccession be any worse than the ones in the 1970s & 80s?? by PINK FLOYD FANATIC on 10/27/01 at 12:59:11 AM
- 1597
- 0
- No Replies
- Krispy Kreme, the good, the bad and the ugly.
by Capler on 10/11/01 at 12:11:31 PM - 2500
- 12
- from ray p on 10/26/01 at 8:44:18 PM
- Halloween Costumes?
by gracie_0801 on 10/24/01 at 12:17:11 AM - 1739
- 1
- from Coasternut on 10/25/01 at 6:40:34 PM
- As a Kid, what did you hate the most, that you had to do? by Coaster Zeke on 10/20/01 at 6:55:07 PM
- 1746
- 9
- from Pantera Psycho on 10/22/01 at 3:53:26 AM
- It is not easy being perfect humans.
by Capler on 10/16/01 at 12:53:05 PM - 1876
- 6
- from Etaylor on 10/19/01 at 12:34:43 PM
- Something about Planets of the Apes
by Capler on 10/18/01 at 12:19:57 PM - 1704
- 4
- from Capler on 10/19/01 at 12:05:04 PM
- Video Gaming vs. PC Gaming
by BReNt on 10/9/01 at 8:59:57 PM - 1778
- 4
- from Etaylor on 10/18/01 at 6:12:33 PM
- Cincinnati Bengals... Can you say "playoffs?"
by Jacob on 10/16/01 at 4:36:10 PM - 1846
- 2
- from Chisox2k1 on 10/17/01 at 2:47:24 AM
- Anybody want to join my fantasy basketball league? by Chisox2k1 on 10/16/01 at 9:46:51 PM
- 1655
- 0
- No Replies
- Favorite Lifesaver Flavor
by Eric_Gieszl on 10/5/01 at 1:25:31 PM - 2149
- 5
- from ray p on 10/16/01 at 4:10:12 PM
- Other news besides news connected to September 11th. by Raptor Timmy on 10/15/01 at 12:39:35 PM
- 1652
- 1
- from Capler on 10/16/01 at 11:45:42 AM
- what does NM mean?
by MABrider on 10/15/01 at 12:02:38 PM - 8846
- 3
- from Pantera Psycho on 10/16/01 at 2:12:07 AM
by punker666 on 10/14/01 at 8:43:52 PM - 1642
- 3
- from Pantera Psycho on 10/16/01 at 2:10:52 AM
- Facts of Life reunion movie
by Raptor Timmy on 10/15/01 at 12:33:41 PM - 1559
- 0
- No Replies
- Has America Seen I'm Alan Partridge?
by Graeme on 10/14/01 at 1:45:58 PM - 1675
- 0
- No Replies
- A response to the KK vs DD donut debate...Moxie or battery acid? by rollergator on 10/11/01 at 10:42:43 PM
- 1667
- 0
- No Replies