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- Indiana finishes 1and 2 in Nascar this year
by Indiana Jones on 12/1/01 at 1:40:41 AM - 1337
- 0
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- Spider-Man movie
by THE BEASTmaster on 11/25/01 at 11:11:41 PM - 1457
- 2
- from Psycho on 11/30/01 at 9:02:08 PM
- PS2, X-BOX or GAME CUBE??????
by Psycho on 11/26/01 at 2:51:14 AM - 1691
- 3
- from BReNt on 11/29/01 at 12:07:15 AM
- Where do you go to look at Holiday lights?
by Raptor Timmy on 11/27/01 at 5:45:48 PM - 1621
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- from THE BEASTmaster on 11/28/01 at 9:53:17 AM
- Anybody here play competitive paintball?
by TargetIndy on 11/28/01 at 7:50:21 AM - 1548
- 0
- No Replies
- To All You Metalheads Out There Like Me!
by THE BEASTmaster on 11/21/01 at 2:20:41 AM - 1788
- 5
- from Pantera Psycho on 11/27/01 at 10:05:51 AM
- What city needs a new sports franchise?
by Raptor Timmy on 11/1/01 at 5:11:38 PM - 1708
- 8
- from Memphomaniac on 11/25/01 at 9:45:54 PM
- I got a Nintendo Gamecube..
by BReNt on 11/20/01 at 8:59:20 PM - 1641
- 3
- from Pantera Psycho on 11/25/01 at 8:05:38 PM
- Taliban commander surrenders...so?
by timmyd3b on 11/24/01 at 10:53:28 AM - 1562
- 1
- from Pantera Psycho on 11/25/01 at 7:32:54 PM
- Survivor Series
by Sly on 11/20/01 at 3:48:09 PM - 1320
- 1
- from Pantera Psycho on 11/25/01 at 7:31:40 PM
- Anyone have a site on tripod? Need help!
by timmyd3b on 11/23/01 at 11:05:08 AM - 1468
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- Britney Spears to make movie debut!
by Raptor Timmy on 11/2/01 at 1:04:48 PM - 1698
- 8
- from Brongaar on 11/22/01 at 11:33:22 PM
- Just saw Harry Potter...
by NEO- on 11/17/01 at 9:32:43 AM - 1650
- 3
- from Fraser on 11/22/01 at 11:28:15 PM
- Harry Potter theming....
by Brongaar on 11/22/01 at 11:21:11 PM - 1473
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- No Replies
- Radiohead
by Eric P on 11/22/01 at 11:47:05 AM - 1413
- 1
- from Andy Simpson on 11/22/01 at 4:16:18 PM
- Meteor shower 11/18
by Chickenhawk on 11/18/01 at 5:34:56 AM - 1551
- 4
- from Zimm on 11/21/01 at 1:38:07 PM
- Did you watch the Facts of Life reunion movie?
by Raptor Timmy on 11/19/01 at 6:26:30 PM - 1379
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- from Zimm on 11/21/01 at 1:34:50 PM
- What is your favorite cable network?
by Raptor Timmy on 11/20/01 at 11:42:54 AM - 1536
- 1
- from junebugg on 11/20/01 at 6:43:50 PM
- no subject
by fiend on 11/20/01 at 4:29:25 PM - 1345
- 0
- No Replies
- What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
by Raptor Timmy on 11/19/01 at 6:23:48 PM - 1485
- 2
- from Streaker on 11/20/01 at 11:06:40 AM
- What do you think of baseball getting rid of 2 teams? by Raptor Timmy on 11/14/01 at 10:21:45 PM
- 1488
- 4
- from Pantera Psycho on 11/18/01 at 1:40:21 AM
- K' NEX Screamin Serpent Roller Coaster
by CoasterHolik2 on 11/17/01 at 7:52:10 PM - 1546
- 0
- No Replies
- rollar coaster operations
by gary on 11/16/01 at 7:04:33 PM - 1344
- 0
- No Replies
- My Daughters take on hangman
by Masher on 11/13/01 at 11:50:44 PM - 1306
- 0
- No Replies
- Joke of the Day #2.
by THE BEASTmaster on 11/12/01 at 11:33:34 AM - 1339
- 2
- from Memphomaniac on 11/13/01 at 9:50:40 AM