Should Jim Thome stay or go?
Posted: 9/30/02 at 9:59:40 PM
Views: 1730
i want him to stay but he probably won't he is about the only thing left from the glory days of Jacobs Field and he the heart and soul of the Cleveland Indians. Thome can't turn things around by himself but if he leaves it will be hard for me to get excited about the Indians for a long time.
Re: Should Jim Thome stay or go? by
chillforce at 10/11/02 11:15:46 PM
Something scares me about anyone getting excited about Indians. Oh, your talking Cleveland Indians baseball team. I would just look at the Mets and see what big payrolls can bring you, losses. Sometimes bringing up new players, no names AkA Minnesota, Anaheim, Cardinals, hey, they are there and at far less a cost than most. Go for the young players, they are exciting to watch.