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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Open Topic > My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith

My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith

Posted: 9/22/02 at 2:35:29 AM
Views: 2921

I am still in the state of shock. The Osborns are very funny but Anna Nichol takes trash to another level, one which I can only aspire monetarily. I think it the most hyeterically funny piece of crap and cannot believe that Director John Waters was not behind all this.

I am not that informed on entertainment, but whoever came out with the reality TV has created a following that is going to be real trouble in the future. After what I saw with Anna, everything else will be fair game.


Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by MABrider MABrider Profile at 9/22/02 7:45:36 PM

Mine was: YUK

Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by Shaggy Shaggy Profile at 9/23/02 11:10:45 AM

Is that not the worst piece of junk ever? Ranks right up there with those high class standards set by the likes of Howard Stern and Jerry Springer. Blech!

I just wann know what drug she is on. She obviously is on something because no one can be that mindless.


BTW: HAPPY 50th BIRTHDAY MIKE by chillforce chillforce Profile at 9/24/02 12:08:56 AM

A deal for you Shaggy by chillforce chillforce Profile at 9/24/02 12:13:48 AM

We could start a show that would be just as trailer thrashy since that seems to be what viewers want. I know that your quite innovative and I don't know how to say 4 words* without foul language, this would be a natural.

*(Language skills learned in a Racetrack for 26 years)


Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by THE_BEASTmaster at 9/24/02 2:32:04 AM

> Is that not the worst piece of junk ever? Ranks right up
> there with those high class standards set by the likes of
> Howard Stern and Jerry Springer. Blech!

> I just wann know what drug she is on. She obviously is on
> something because no one can be that mindless.

> Shaggy

Well, Shaggy, she IS a blonde and she probably was tranquilized before each show too. LOL!

Bill, who is glad that he doesn't have to watch that garbage because of working second shift.

Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by chillforce chillforce Profile at 9/25/02 12:22:49 AM

> Well, Shaggy, she IS a blonde and she probably was
> tranquilized before each show too. LOL!

> Bill, who is glad that he doesn't have to watch that
> garbage because of working second shift.

Bill, Bill, I think you would appreciate this as I am a cult film buff, too bad not enough of them coming out lately. Best Film from the cult faction has to be "Faster PussyCat, Faster". Anyway, Anna is a reincarnated Devine, has to be. Who else would be trailer thrash with money???


Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by THE_BEASTmaster at 9/25/02 2:03:08 AM

> Bill, Bill, I think you would appreciate this as I am a
> cult film buff, too bad not enough of them coming out
> lately. Best Film from the cult faction has to be
> "Faster PussyCat, Faster". Anyway, Anna is a
> reincarnated Devine, has to be. Who else would be trailer
> thrash with money???

> Ed

Well, Ed, I did see one movie that she was in. I think it was an action movie called "The Skyscraper". When I mean action movie, I mean shooting and killing. Not the "other action".

Bill, who still won't watch The Anna Nichole Smith Show even if you paid me to watch it.

Re: A deal for you Shaggy by Shaggy Shaggy Profile at 9/26/02 10:05:18 PM

Well if by innovative you mean I would either:

A. Have to dye my hair purple like Anna's lovestruck lezbo assistant.


B. Have to bear witness to the likes of fart contests ala Howard stern.


C. Have to run interference between two drag queen, ex-lover, fat cousins ala Jerry Springer's bodyguard

...then I'll pass. :-)

My life may be boring, but for goodness sake I'll never submit to the re-watching (or living)of one of those shows again.

Anna - "D'uuuuuuuuh... I'm boring...let's have an eating contest!!!!"

Howard - "Hey, I feel like watching a dog poo... Oh I forgot, listeners cannot see it... who cares... let's do it anyway."

Jerry - "Do you think if we paid them $50 extra bucks the drag queen cousins will actually kiss?"

Why fear bio-terrorism? There is enough mind poison in the air already.

Shaggy - I'll get off my soap box now ;-)

Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by Catfish at 9/30/02 9:54:40 PM

> I am still in the state of shock. The Osborns are very
> funny but Anna Nichol takes trash to another level, one
> which I can only aspire monetarily. I think it the most
> hyeterically funny piece of crap and cannot believe that
> Director John Waters was not behind all this.

> I am not that informed on entertainment, but whoever came
> out with the reality TV has created a following that is
> going to be real trouble in the future. After what I saw
> with Anna, everything else will be fair game.

> Ed
It is so bad! But it is just a show!

Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by chillforce chillforce Profile at 10/11/02 11:18:17 PM

> It is so bad! But it is just a show!

Pornography is just a show as well, but it is regulated as to how old you can be to go and see it. That should be the case here.


Re: My first night of watching Anna Nichol Smith by PanteraPsycho at 10/20/02 1:39:35 AM

I've only seen one episode of that show, and I gotta agree with you as far as the being in shock thing goes. I honestly can't stand the show, I can't even find some of it actually funny. I saw the one where she appeared on the radio show and Leno. I was shocked to see her lie to herself in front of the entire country on that radio show, saying that she hasn't put on much weight since her Playboy days. Anyone with any eyesight can she that she's put on quite a bundle. I don't find anything wrong with that, if it happened, it happened, oh well, big deal, but at least she doesn't have to lie to herself and try to lie to the rest of the world about it. It's really a sad situation we have with her, there are many people out there much more deserving of the money she makes.