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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Open Topic > PS2 Help

PS2 Help

Posted: 9/19/02 at 4:06:48 AM
Views: 1995

Everytime I put a game in my PS2 it goes to the menu with the browser and system configuration on it. Does anyone know how to fix it where it will just play the game?


Re: PS2 Help by Coasterwench at 9/19/02 9:51:19 AM

> Everytime I put a game in my PS2 it goes to the menu with
> the browser and system configuration on it. Does anyone
> know how to fix it where it will just play the game?

> Thanks

I have this trouble when my Games are even the tiniest bit smudged with fingerprints. Try cleaning your game/games and if that doesn't work try their website for Support because Cleaning my games has always worked for me.
