Star Wars Episode II Coming to IMAX Theatres November 1
I was so excited to learn this. Star Wars Episode II will be released in IMAX theatres on November 1. They will use the new IMAX DMR process to reproduce the digital 35mm image onto the 15/70 IMAX print.
This will be a fanatastic film to see on the IMAX screen and I am especially excited since there is an IMAX theatre at my work.
FYI, Apollo 13 (Tom Hanks) will be the first film to use the new IMAX DMR process. This movie will open in IMAX theatres on September 20.
> I was so excited to learn this. Star Wars Episode
> II will be released in IMAX theatres on November
> 1. They will use the new IMAX DMR process to
> reproduce the digital 35mm image onto the 15/70
> IMAX print.
> This will be a fanatastic film to see on the IMAX
> screen and I am especially excited since there is
> an IMAX theatre at my work.
> FYI, Apollo 13 (Tom Hanks) will be the first film
> to use the new IMAX DMR process. This movie will
> open in IMAX theatres on September 20.
> Eric
Raiders of the Lost Ark is also on Imax film. It was shown in August at an Imax theatre here in Cincinnati.
Bill Yost

> Raiders of the Lost Ark is also on Imax film. It
> was shown in August at an Imax theatre here in
> Cincinnati.
> Bill Yost
What??? Raiders is not available in an IMAX print. I guess I should say at least not yet. Are you sure it wasn't just a 35mm print projected onto an IMAX screen.
We show 35mm films on our IMAX screen when we're not showing IMAX films. They do not fill the entire screen and they do not have near the picture quality that an IMAX film has.

> They will use the new IMAX DMR process to
> reproduce the digital 35mm image onto the 15/70
> IMAX print.
Eric, this won't result in a "grainy" appearance, will it? I remember seeing "Fantasia 2000" when it was released in IMAX theaters and the Sorceror's Apprentice segment which was blown up to fit the big screen was very rough looking. With "Attack of the Clones" being all digital, I assume the transfer will be better. Of course, Cleveland doesn't have an IMAX theater that shows normal movies, so I guess I'll have to drive to Columbus or Detroit. D'oh!
ray p.

> Eric, this won't result in a "grainy"
> appearance, will it? I remember seeing
> "Fantasia 2000" when it was released in
> IMAX theaters and the Sorceror's Apprentice
> segment which was blown up to fit the big screen
> was very rough looking. With "Attack of the
> Clones" being all digital, I assume the
> transfer will be better. Of course, Cleveland
> doesn't have an IMAX theater that shows normal
> movies, so I guess I'll have to drive to Columbus
> or Detroit. D'oh!
> ray p.
IMAX has developed a new process called DMR. This new process allows them to convert a 35mm print to the IMAX screen digitally. Basically they scan in each frame from the 35mm print into a digital format and then the DMR process begins. The computer with some help from a tech blows up the image into 15/70mm IMAX frame. They correct for color and fill in missing information to get the quality that is typical for IMAX. The trailer for Apollo 13 realease in IMAX shows the process works. I doubt you'll see any of the grainy image we saw in Fantasia 2000.