"Life Partner" Days??
Are you aware of Six Flags offering a discount for life partners?? Me and my friends are planning to have a "gay" time there on Thursday and wanted to meet others who share our fun. Please reply with suggestions on how to better plan a day where we can give true meaning to the term log jammer.
toodo - looo
What a marvelous idea! Are you going to "meat" each other at the park in a specific location. If enough of us get together, the park is sure to offer some type of discount. Are you going this Thursday? Have you call the park about any discounts? Please provide more info?
Yes!! We should meat!,
This Thursday would be fabulous!!
How about noon at the Mooseburger lodge?? Please let me know.
Please bring friends!! We currently have 15 people confirmed and are trying to get more. My party will be arriving shortly after 10am. Should we try to meat beforehand so that we can attempt to get a group discount?? How about breakfast at 9am at Burger King right outside of the park?
Let me know!!
> What a marvelous idea! Are you going to
> "meat" each other at the park in a
> specific location. If enough of us get together,
> the park is sure to offer some type of discount.
> Are you going this Thursday? Have you call the
> park about any discounts? Please provide more
> info?
9:00 am at Burger King sounds great see you there!