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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Open Topic > A Sad Year got Sadder today

A Sad Year got Sadder today

Posted: 12/1/01 at 1:44:59 AM
Views: 1620

I am not a music buff in anyway, I know what i like and what I want to listen to. Today was a killer. I rate the Beatles like I rate the Coney Cyclone, not to be rated, they are the Icons to live up to.

I grew up on the Beatles and remember their music well. "I want to hold your hand" was the first vinyl I ever bought. I wonder how many kids out there today know what vinyl or record is?

I loved the groups, America, Chicago, Moody Blues, and Pink Floyd, but I still revere that group from Liverpool, the first group that gave me appreciation for music. I was in front of that TV when Ed Sullivan introduced them to America, although their music had already been here and playing for a couple of months. I followed them through all their life changes, from the hip hop type music to the deep reflection thought, to the Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts to my favorite Album, "The White Album". It is a shame that that Album was used by a madman to create a horrific crime in itself.

Today, only half of the Beatles remain, but their music lives on. Today, I mourn but I also celebrate a great Musician, and hope that Gearge Harrison is in the place he always believed in.

RIP, George Harrison and thanks for the great music you and your co-horts gave us.

My Sweet Lord.


Re: A Sad Year got Sadder today by Fraser Fraser Profile at 12/1/01 1:39:47 PM

I agree - he may have been"the quiet Beatle" - but anyone who can write such classics as While My Guitar Gently Weeps and Something is up there with Mozart and Shakespeare in my mind.
Hope he's found the peace he spent all his life looking for.

Re: A Sad Year got Sadder today by Pantera Psycho at 12/1/01 8:02:51 PM

I agree, almost everything I listen to was either directly influenced by the Beatles, or indirectly (usually through Black Sabbath). It's a terrible thing that this had to happen, and I hope the best for George Harrison's family and friends. He's one of the most influential musicians ever, and he'll be missed.

Re: A Sad Year got Sadder today by BReNt at 12/2/01 6:22:12 PM

This hasn't been the best week as far as lives go for me. The other day my Uncle passed away after being married for 3 months, the suicide bomibngs in Israel today and yesterday, and George Harrison. I hope ill be able to recover.

