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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Open Topic > Latest Krispy Kreme news: NM cops land police helicopter for a HOT dozen..

Latest Krispy Kreme news: NM cops land police helicopter for a HOT dozen..

Posted: 10/9/01 at 12:08:01 AM
Views: 2118

...don't believe me? Here's a link...

NM cops go nuts for KK

Re: Latest Krispy Kreme news: NM cops land police helicopter for a HOT doze by junebugg junebugg Profile at 10/9/01 3:35:49 AM

This is too damn funny!!!!!!!!!

I would have paid to see this happen!

- junebugg

Re: Latest Krispy Kreme news: NM cops land police helicopter for a HOT doze by Capler at 10/9/01 12:33:59 PM

I wonder if these people would have been upset if cops in cars pulled up and got a dozen.