Andy Simpson
Posted: 9/28/01 at 12:50:36 PM
Views: 1706
I saw this on another board and it went down well and it's interesting to see so if you could be anybody for a day, who would you be and why? Obvisouly this doesn't have to be people coaster related.
Me, I'd have to say that I'd like to be Thom Yorke for a day while he's songwriting to explore his thoughts, wierd huh? :)
Re: Who? by
Pantera Psycho at 9/29/01 5:30:05 AM
Mike Patton, one of the most amazing minds the world has to offer.
Re: Who? by
at 9/29/01 4:46:39 PM

I would be the Incredible Hulk, Andy!
Hugh Hefner! n/m by
Coaster Crazed at 9/30/01 3:57:29 PM