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A song I wrote in response to the tragedy

Posted: 9/13/01 at 6:02:06 PM
Views: 1852

First of all I want to say that I feel so sorry for those who have lost loved ones. This hit me really hard. I know no one in New York or Washington, but yet I feel absolutely terrible that this happened. But I guess we must all move on eventually. Anyway, I wrote a little song in honor of the victims and for the country. Yes, its a bit religious, because I am a Christian. Here are the lyrics:

Guns and war fill this world
People all live in fear
Bad things are happening
We lose things that we hold dear

But even when evil strikes
It’s important that we are thankful
For our families, our lives, everything
Everything that we adore

We need to know that there’s
Someone who loves us
Someone who cares for us
Even through this time of

Chorus: American tragedy

A time of sadness

A time to sit down, be thankful,

And fill your heart with gladness

American tragedy

A time to pray

A time to mourn and ask God

To be with us every day

At this time we need not hate
We need to love one another
We need to live in unity
And look out for our brother

We need to make peace in everyway
For God will make evil ones pay
He will give us what we deserve
On Judgment Day

And we need to know that
God so loves us
He sent his son to die for us
He gives us peace in this time of

American Tragedy

A time of sadness

A time to sit down, be thankful,

And fill your heart with gladness

American tragedy

A time to pray

A time to mourn and ask God

To be with us every single day

Yes I know that it’s hard to be happy in this time of hate
But if you trust in the Lord He will make everything great
In this time of

American Tragedy

A time of sadness

A time to sit down, be thankful,

And fill your heart with gladness

American Tragedy

A time to pray

A time to mourn and ask God

To be with us every single day

That he’ll be with me I pray

Each and every day

Re: A song I wrote in response to the tragedy by Rufus at 9/13/01 10:05:37 PM

Ok, it sort of came out wierd after I hit post, but Im sure you can still tell what the verses and chorus is.

Re: A song I wrote in response to the tragedy by Pantera Psycho at 9/14/01 12:00:45 AM

Yeah, that's a great idea, actually I've been writing a song about this, but it's not as friendly (my main music type is metal, so it's got some pretty aggressive messages towards terrorists, it's partially based on relieving anger anyway), but I really liked the poetry, it's very well done, if you ever can record it, can you send me a link of it?

Re: A song I wrote in response to the tragedy by Rufus at 9/18/01 4:39:09 PM

All right. If I do it, I will have to be using sound recorder and my crappy mic, but if I record it I will email it to you or put it up on a web page.


i wrote a song too by coastercorps at 10/11/01 9:07:22 PM

mynes more punk rock and called 9/11 and im trying to think up a guitar part for it...if youve ever heard "loonitic for luv" you know the tune way ta go rufus by the way