Tax Rebate Checks
Did you get your check yet?
Are you planning on spending it or saving it?
Finally, were you pleased with the tax cut or would you rather of had the government kept the money.
My response:
I got my check and I am planning on spending it on a new DVD player. Any suggestions on a good model?
Also, I prefer to see my money spent as I see fit not as someone else does. I see a need for a government, but I also see massive waste in terms of government spening. They increase spending every year at levels that far exceed what the average American receives in pay raises on a yearly basis. So where is all this money coming from to support the increases in spending...our paychecks through new taxes. If on average an American worker only sees a 2-3% increase in wages on a yearly basis then why should the goverment be permitted to increase spending at rates often double, triple and quadruple the amount we can? It is not fair or acting in a responsible manner.
We all work hard for our money and I think taxes in general are too high. It would be nice for once to see the government cut spending. All of us in our life have had to do that at one point or about the government as well.
> Did you get your check yet?
> Are you planning on spending it or saving it?
> Finally, were you pleased with the tax cut or
> would you rather of had the government kept the
> money.
> My response:
> I got my check and I am planning on spending it
> on a new DVD player. Any suggestions on a good
> model?
> Also, I prefer to see my money spent as I see fit
> not as someone else does. I see a need for a
> government, but I also see massive waste in terms
> of government spening. They increase spending
> every year at levels that far exceed what the
> average American receives in pay raises on a
> yearly basis. So where is all this money coming
> from to support the increases in spending...our
> paychecks through new taxes. If on average an
> American worker only sees a 2-3% increase in
> wages on a yearly basis then why should the
> goverment be permitted to increase spending at
> rates often double, triple and quadruple the
> amount we can? It is not fair or acting in a
> responsible manner.
> We all work hard for our money and I think taxes
> in general are too high. It would be nice for
> once to see the government cut spending. All of
> us in our life have had to do that at one point
> or about the government as well.
*Well, if they want to cut spending, the very first thing they can do is cancel on their tax cut. It is costing our country an insanely high amount of money to fund it. As much as I want to like our President, George Bush is an idiot. Our country is in such major debt; the last thing we need is a tax cut. But, it's an easy way to win an election. I mean "win." As much as I hate to say it, whoever takes over in 2004 will have to severely increase taxes. This is very bad news, since it is becoming so much harder to survive on low income. Honestly, as much as I hate to say it, a war might be highly beneficial right now. I think Bush is leading up to start a war right before he leaves office, in my opinion. If you want my opinion, our country is just too big. I can't even begin to think what disaster we are headed for in 40 years. It is very scary. In 40 years, Social Security will probably not exist, it will be near impossible to get a job, and add on to that the fact that oil and other natural resources will be used up, we are headed for some big trouble before I'm dead. That's why we should all enjoy the time we have me crazy, but in 25 years and beyond, we are going to be in serious trouble as a country. Remember though, this is all my opinion as is anything involving politics, so don't jump down my throat on this. I could write 1,000 pages on this, so please excuse my concise post. -Allan
I was glad to get a rebate especailly when you have to pay 33% of your income for taxes. My husband and I had to pay taxes this year as we have very little debt and little write offs. As for jobs we need nurses.The average age of a nurse today is 45.There will not be enough to take care of the next generation.If any of you are worried about work, nursing and associated fields are where the jobs will be. Or maybe teaching?There is a shortage of teachers in many communities. However niether profession pays large money until you have been at it for 20 years. As for resources,please there is too much hype. We need to be thoughtful but goverment wants to run our lives so they are twisting satastics to support greenhouse and lack of resources.Socail security has some problems but these would not be so bad if aliens from other countries,people who never worked( not including moms who stay home to raise children)did not draw on socail secuity it would not be in trouble. As for Bush I've been content with his performance he came into the start of a slowing economy and a large amount of distrust of the White House and the scandal attaached to it.Be patient things should settle and improve.dcmamanus