To begin, select a forum such as the Roller Coasters, Theme Parks & Attractions Forum, Europe Roller Coasters & Theme Parks Forum, Roller Coasters Games Forum or our Anything Goes Forum from the Discussion Forums index.
The first page of the forum is called the Message Board Index or message list. This page contains a list of topics with linked titles. The preferences you select under "Options" sets up how many messages are shown, the sorting order and style for the message board index. From within an individual discussion forum you can always return to the message board index by clicking the Message Board icon.
A topic on the message board may or may not have replies, but the original message and all of its replies (if any) is called a thread.
There are two layout and sorting options available for the message boards. The layouts are Collapsed (Bulletin Board style) and Exapnded Threads (Threaded style). The sorting choices are sorty by active topics first or sort by topic start date.
See My Options for more specifics on these features.
Select one of the topics below for further assistance on how-to use the message boards.
Read Messages
To read a message click on the title of the message, which links to the page with the message or message and all replies, depending on the message board format you've selected.
If you've selected the expanded format you will need to click on the title of each reply message to read it. All replies are listed with linked titles at the bottom of the message page and beneath the original message on the message board index.
You may also link directly to a reply from the message board index when viewing the expanded format index. If you're viewing the collapsed format index then all replies will be shown on the same page as the topic start message.
Post Messages
To post a message click the New Message icon in the upper or bottom left corner of the message board index. You cannot post a new message from within a message, so return to the message board index first.
You must be a registered a member to post on the discussion forums. If you're not a member, then register today for free.
If you have not logged in you will be prompted to enter your username and password before you will be directed to the post form. Complete the post message form and press the Post Message button at the bottom of the form to post your message. You must include a subject and message to post. Including a link or linking to an external image for inclusion is optional.
If you want to preview your message before posting it click the Preview Message button. You will be shown a preview of your message where you may continue to make any necessary changes. When finished press the Post Message button to post it.
Reply to Messages
To reply to a message click on the Post Reply icon at the top or bottom left corner of the message page or click on the Post Reply or Post Reply+Quote text links.
You must be a registered a member to post on the discussion forums. If you're not a member, then register today for free.
Complete the post reply form and press the Post Message button at the bottom of the form. For replies the subject will be pre-filled in for your message, but you're welcome to change it. Also if you clicked the Post Reply+Quote link, then the message you're responding to will be quoted inside the message body. You may keep the quote or delete all or a portion of it. Including a link or linking to an external image for inclusion in the reply is optional.
If you want to preview your reply before posting it click the Preview Message button. You will be shown a preview of your message where you may continue to make any necessary changes. When finished press the Post Message button to post your reply.
Search for Messages
Click on the Search icon on the message board to go to the search page. On the search page you may search for messages by all or any keywords, phrases, posters and limit your search to messages posted within a range of dates. Press the Search button and the results will appear with all messages displayed matching your search.
Change Your Options
(Also, called "Preferences") You can set and save your personal preferences for the layout of the message board index, message sorting and the number of messages to be shown on the index.
To change your perferences click the Options icon in the upper right corner of the message board index. The Options page lets you set-up the following preferences:
When finished click Update My Options and your layout preferences will be saved for future visits. These settings are for the selected discussion forum only.
Message Board Icons
The following are descriptions of the icons that appear on the message boards and what happens when you click on them.
Message Board - When clicked it will return you to the message board index. | |
New Message - Post a new message to the message board. | |
Post Reply - Post a reply to the message you're reading. | |
Search - Allows you to search for messages matching phrases or keywords. | |
Options - Set-up your preferences for the layout, sorting and the number of messages to be shown. | |
User Preferences - Set your signature, local timezone and default settings for signature display and email notification. |
Report Problems
To report a technical problem or a violation of our Discussion Forum Usage Policy please use our Contact Us form. In your feedback be sure to include as much detail as possible including the forum name, message subject, and message number if possible, or a link to the problem.
We will contact you as soon as we resolve the matter or if necessary to obtain more information.