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Ultimate Rollercoaster > Discussion Forums > Europe Coasters, Parks & Attractions > Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor

Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor

Posted: 2/19/11 at 6:43:37 PM
Views: 18638

This year, Drayton Manor is getting a Vekoma Junior Boomerang. If you were curious as to what this would look like, here's a pic:

User Submitted Picture

Theme Park NL

Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by the_winged_beast the_winged_beast Profile at 2/21/11 5:18:51 PM

Well it already looks better than G Force :p

Completely out of the blue but a great addition to DMP who are also finally opening the hotel this year after many years of planning it :)

Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by Corkscrew_Foley Corkscrew_Foley Profile at 3/18/11 12:25:51 AM

Well done I say! When I heard Vekoma were doing a junior boomerang, I wasn't sure what it was going to look like, but now I do...thanks Graz!

Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by Graeme Graeme Profile at 4/24/11 10:37:07 AM

Looks cool (thanks Tim for the link):

Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by Corkscrew_Foley Corkscrew_Foley Profile at 4/25/11 9:49:39 AM

I wonder why they have the floor drop out? As far as I know, they're using standard Vekoma roller skater trains, is it to do with that, or for more for safety with the UK oh so horrible H&S?


Raptor POV

Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by britcitchris britcitchris Profile at 5/30/11 1:47:38 PM

Looks fun. I wonder what the height limit is. My 5 year old is just nuts about Ben 10....


Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by KevinReid KevinReid Profile at 9/15/11 11:58:36 AM

Now that is a Boomerang I could do. I just do boomerangs for the counts no repeat rides for me.

Re: Vekoma Junior Boomerang at Drayton Manor by Corkscrew_Foley Corkscrew_Foley Profile at 10/8/11 11:10:09 PM

> Looks fun. I wonder what the height limit is. My 5 year old
> is just nuts about Ben 10....

> Chris.

Chris, it's the standard trains like the Vekoma RollerSkaters. if you're with him, he'll be fine.
